Reflection Paper On LGBT

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If you were to ask me what exactly sparked my passion for LGBT rights, I wouldn’t be able to give a straight answer (pun not intended). I did (and still do) not identify personally to any of the terms LGBT stands for, nor did any of my close family members or friends at the time identify as such. Now a few do, but that’s hardly the only reason I’m still passionate about it. Regardless of what spurred my interest, I think one of the reasons I became invested was that, being raised by a fairly liberal family, I never entertained the thought that being LGBT could ever be considered “wrong” in any way. It simply became a natural fact of life. So by the time I discovered that not everybody though it was natural, my opinion could no …show more content…

The purpose is that by writing a book that objectively talks about these things, even if people are against it, they can become more knowledgeable about it to have reasonable and logical debate, and people who are unsure of their identity, or don’t understand the topic as well as they would like, can look to this book and gain a sense of understanding, and can formulate their own opinions. Because as much as I’d like it if everyone supported LGBT rights, I won’t get anywhere forcing my opinion on everybody. So for the time being, I am content if everyone can be educated and aware of LGBT issues, so that if they do choose to be against it, it will not be for some baseless rumors or …show more content…

I have chosen identities and relationships as my global context because my product is to give a clearer picture of the many LGBTQ identities through writing a book.

Prior Knowledge and Subject-Specific Knowledge
I know a good amount about LGBTQ issues because I have had a long-standing interest. I am familiar with much of the current policies implemented, especially in the US, That benefit or impede on LGBTQ rights. For example I am familiar with the bathroom bill that has recently been implemented in the United States as well as the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy within the US Military that the Obama Administration has since repealed. I learned much of this knowledge from watching CNN coverage of the Obergefell v. Hodges case, as well as reading articles and watching videos by news sources such as Vox, VICE, and CNN, as well as watching pieces concerning LGBT issues in shows such as The Daily Show and Last Week

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