Reflection Paper On Developmental Disability

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Through my service I helped and assisted people who were born with a developmental disability. A developmental disability is a mental or physical disability, such as cerebral palsy or mental retardation, that is present during childhood, interferes with normal physical, intellectual, or emotional development, and usually lasts throughout life. With this type of disability, these people have trouble performing simple everyday task. My service called me to assist these people with everyday task that would seem simple to you and me, such as getting dressed, eating, household chores, going in public, and extracurricular activities. The simple job of getting dressed in the morning becomes a common struggle for a person with a developmental disability. The first step is to pick out the style clothing that the person likes to wear. During this step you have to take in the factors of what the weather would be and the activities that we would be doing. Once I have picked out the clothes it would be ideal to lay out the clothes to begin getting dressed. When all of the clothes are laid out we would begin by putting the pants on. The pants can be a bit tricky, because they include a zipper and a button which a faculty member would have to help with. In my case I was the faculty member that was helping. After the pants are on, we move onto …show more content…

The process of making and feeding a nutritious meal to a developed mentally disabled person can be expanded into many tiny details. My focus was on how to properly feed a person as their disability restricts them from the ability to feed themselves. In order for a meal to be safe to eat, it has to be cut into small sized bites. Some individuals need to be physically fed, because they are restricted from feeding themselves. I would have to physically feed them for the safety of the person from choking on their

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