Reflection Paper About Love

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Until you experience it, truly experience it, it’s really hard to understand.
On earth we have this tainted concept of love… I’ll love you if you do this… I’ll love you as long as… I’ll love you until… We may not verbally express these sentiments, but our actions surely show them.
We’re quick to lash out in anger, hold grudges, end relationships, gossip, judge, get divorced… we’re quick to show that our love isn’t unconditional. We excuse ourselves because of the pain we experience, rationalizing that we have the right to act this way because this person did x, y and z.
At the heart of it, we don’t mean to be fickle lovers, we’re simply hurt people hurting people, doing the best we can to imitate the “love” we see around us.
But, there’s a God, a God that loves us so dearly that if we are willing to receive and accept His love, He will set us free. Free from the bondage of ourselves, free from the bondage of other people and free from the bondage of the enemy.
When my mom was in college, working in the dorms she became pregnant with me. This pregnancy surely came with much fear as she is the daughter of a pastor and was always someone who sought to do right. …show more content…

I went with the intentions of hearing Dan Mohler speak, as he has been the single most influential pastor of my life. In the beginning, I wasn’t too excited to go because everyone who was supposed to go with me backed out at the last second and I knew I would spend the majority of the conference chasing my son around the hall way. Still I knew God had called me to go and so in obedience I did. That week I spent most of my time chasing my son as predicted, but I also had the opportunity to check out from the world and spend time God, simply being in His presence. Interestingly enough, I was not so much focused on the conference as I was my personal time with Him and in this time I asked Him for revelation of the cross in my

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