Reflection Paper About Dance

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Starting dance composition one was a step to the next level for me has a dancer and choreographer. Initially when I thought about choreography I was not sure about process of how to create a dance. I knew choreographing may be the role I play in the dance world because I recently discovered I did not want to dance professionally. During the time of taking this class I focused on trying to find myself again as a dancer. The questions I asked myself were who you are and what purpose do you desire to serve as dancer. The chorography required for this class was a way of forcing me to dig deep and figure out what type of movement vocabulary I enjoy. Each study gave me the opportunity to explore different movement and learn new choreography techniques. …show more content…

The interpretive dance I created for this study ended up being the piece I used for my final project. In the final project I experienced not knowing where to start. In that time I used the skill of being able to choreograph different parts of the dance and it not be chronological order. From there I was able to continue my creative process and use more skills like being abstract. Another technique I used when making decisions on movement in the dance was thinking about the environment interpretive dances are often done in. For me I was most familiar with the church and what the audience tends to like. One of the main things seen in church dance is a story being created from the words of the song. Knowing that I was able to develop the idea of one dancer being the devil, one being the angel, and the other experiencing pain. The final product was good but I wish I would have given myself more time explore more skills such as being abstract. Although I used abstraction a little bit I struggled with continuing to use it when I began to have choreography block. To help myself figure out what to do next I talked to my classmates to see what ideas they may have. This did work and I wish I would not have waited so long to ask for another dancer’s assistance. I believe the fear of asking for assistance was from the thought of it not being my dance anymore but I had to learn as a choreographer you can take suggestions and help them allow you to build and not use the exact movements. This class showed how dancers feed off each other and it was great to see myself and others grow from seeing each person’s strengths and different style of dance. If I could redo anything during the process of creating my dance I would ask for suggestions earlier and allow myself to have more time to develop abstractions within the dance. Overall I enjoyed this course and wish I could take dance composition

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