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Written and verbal communication skills
Writing skills are an important part of communication.Good writing skills allow you to communicate your message with clarity
Reflective writing of communication skills
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Recommended: Written and verbal communication skills
Journal 8 Reflecting on Written Communication Written Communication is an interesting course. It teaches you all you need to know to write an effective, interesting, communicative college level paper. You will learn things like brainstorming, drafting, Editing, peer review activities and feedback. You will learn how to layout a paper, research for that paper, and put it all together. Written Communication will teach you to think about what you are writing, who you are writing to, and what point you want to get across to your specific audience. Written Communication will also go back to the basics with things like punctuation, transitional phrases, paragraph structure, sentence structure, quotes. My Research paper was stressful to say the …show more content…
I have never really had any kind of formal writing class at all. This was quite intimidating when I started but I decided to make the best out of it and I really learned a lot. I learned how to plan, write, research, edit, discuss, layout a paper. I didn’t realize what it takes to have a good paper. I was impressed with even the others in class how their papers had improved as the course went along from where we started. I have come full circle as a writer. I’m far from perfect my punctuation is questionable at times and my transitional phrases need work as well as some of my sentence structure in places. I can honestly say I’m a better more aware writer than when I started. I found out I like to write and writing seems to flow well from me. I never realized this before starting this course. It will help me with my career because people don’t respect someone that writes poorly with poor grammar and poor thought on what they are writing. People are impressed with a well written paper. I feel a well written paper lets your intellectual side shine. I found peer reviews most useful because it allowed me to learn from others. I always feel you must be open to others opinions and thoughts if you are not you can’t learn …show more content…
I think a lot of that is my own problem with my papers not being good enough and having to rewrite them. I would like to see more time to do the research paper. We do realistically get 3 weeks if we needed it. I think a good research paper needs more time. Especially if you have never done a research paper before you are right away behind the 8 ball. I liked you as a teacher and how you presented the course. It wasn’t boring you kept it fun and relaxing and took some of the stress out of writing. I was glad we didn’t go through the book like we did that night with the sub, it made the course so boring. I’ll remember and take away how to write a proper paper which is important to me. I think in the first journal that was one of my number one
In the past three months I feel like I have accomplished a great deal. As the semester comes to an end I find myself reflecting not only how I have survived the first semester but also what I have learned. The most important thing I have learned so far is how to become a better writer. I did not think it could really happen to me. I did not think I could handle all the work. I did not think I could actually become a better writer. Some how after all the hours of writing, and putting effort into the papers that I wrote this semester, I became a better writer. I did this because I concentrated on two very important areas, with the attitude of, if I could just become better in those then I would become a better writer. With help from an awesome teacher and a reliable tutor I have become a better writer by improving my skills in the areas of procrastination and content.
I came into this class under the impression that I already wrote well enough and wouldn’t need to improve. However, as I progressed through the semester I learned that there is always room to grow. The first paper I produced was not at the level I was hoping but after I actively decided to improve my writing my papers became much better. Looking back on my work in the class I wonder how much my writing has changed and where I still have room to improve. Without evaluating my work I can’t hope to become any better. Through this class I have grown much as a writer but there is still more I can learn.
Most of us write in some form every day, so you would expect that most of us would be well practiced and pretty good at writing. I read and write all the time; I have been taken several college courses and nearly all of them require write of some form. However, before taking this class not only was I not a good writer, I knew I wasn’t a good writer. Now I am not saying that I am ready to write my first novel, but I certainly more confident in turning in my college papers. The content of this course and the style of teaching was incredibly beneficial to me. Throughout this course we had multiple assignments that were aimed to improve us as writers. I am sure that everyone took something different from this course, and I am sure that each student took more from some areas than others; however for me there were three major things that I saw that I benefited from most. Our weekly craft lessons, grammar plan, but most of all, observational learning.
I am a qualified solicitor and in this role I have developed my communication skills. On one occasion I was representing a mother who was a victim of domestic violence. The father wanted to see his children but the mother was not allowing it due to the domestic violence. I acknowledged her concerns regarding the contact and explained that I understood why she would not want contact to take place. I also explained to the mother the courts view in terms of contact and domestic violence cases. I highlighted the fact that if she allowed contact without going to hearing she would still retain a level of control. I suggested that contact take place at a neutral location and be supervised by a friend or family member until she was comfortable with this arrangement. The client was reluctant but highlighted that the court would want some form of contact and she would have to adhere to this. However, by reaching an agreement outside of court she is not bound by it and will be in control. The client agreed to
“LOL” and “BRB” are common uses of words that we utilize in our communication. These phrases create a simplicity to our writing and provide enough information to convey our point. While this form of communication would get straight to the point in a general conversation, it is certainly unprofessional in a different perspective. With supporting texts from “The Joy of Texting” by Lynne Truss and “I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Why” by Kyle Wiens, they defined clearly that these types of casual writing can ultimately become detrimental in our professional careers. As casual writing has greatly expand towards our daily lives, we should ask ourselves whether this informal writing is affecting our professional lifestyle. With
In the course of this semester of writing, I grew more than I ever had in my ability to write well. I remember on the first day of class several other students were talking about how hard this writing professor is. I was a bit worried and even thought about switching to an easy professor for a guarantee A so I can get a 4.0. Now, I am grateful that I chose to decide to work hard for a 4.0 instead. Even though I may not get it, I am still glad I stayed because for once, I learned and became a better writer. I can see that my knowledge of conventions definitely improved from last semester. I really loved the feedback for my assignments, since it allows me to realize what I need to improve on and what I should keep doing. Unlike the previous semester, the writing professor only told us our grade on the very first assignment after two months. There were no feedback on how I could improve either, so I had no idea if I was having trouble with anything. Prior to this course, I always had trouble writing sentences and organizing them in such a way that flows and delivers my idea well. I also rarely outline or plan out how I will write a paper too, and even when I did, it was very vague. Out of the five learning outcomes, I grew the most in rhetoric knowledge and writing process from the reading responses and 4 assignment.
My journey through high school as a writer has been quite fruitful. I have refined many of weaknesses, including organizations and introductions, and am still perfectly some as I go, like time management and conclusions. I learned that there is no such thing as a perfect paper; there is always room for improvement in my writing skills. Also, I have learned to see my writing through different perspectives and portray abstract concepts in my work. In the years to come, I hope to learn even more from my instructors and develop a unique writing
Verbal communication is the form of communication that the majority of the world uses today it’s expressed in spoken words. Non Verbal can be conveyed with a smile, frown, rolling of the eyes and in some case the wink of an eye. Facial expressions behavior plays a big part in non verbal communication. Our expression will say things to others that we want say out loud. Gestures are another form of non verbal such as pointing, crossing of the arms and clapping of the hands or all gestures that are non verbal. Appearance is often over looked when we think of non verbal communication. When see someone in boots, blue jeans, leather vest, and tattoos we assume that they are a biker that just one example appearance communication. Face to Face is a preferred method that is used to close the deal deals with body language 50%, tone of your voice 40% and your words 10%.
Writing is a tool that is universally known and used as a primary source of communication. It is a process that is taught, practiced, and perfected throughout the course of one’s life. The process of learning to write begins in your early school years and continues to develop all the way through high school, college, and even beyond college. However, once you get to college writing tends to become a little bit more challenging and is typically more articulate. Writing can help you gain more knowledge and also help you to explore and discover new ideas. In terms of college writing, it is the process of being able to express your thoughts and ideas in an intellectual and effective way.
Over the recent four months in Communication 1402 class, I have addressed three formal speechs and completed a number of chapters in the corresponding textbook “Communication Works”. This course of Communication aims to provide general information what public speaking is and how to address a public speaking. Recalling back the experience during the processes of completing the Speech to Imform, Speech to Persuade, and Group Presentation, I will draw a conclusion about this course and these three presentations in five aspects, comprising my previous perception of public speaking before this course; learning from the Speech to Inform; the goal and evaluation of Speech to Persuade; learning from the Group Presentation; the most important thing learned from this course.
Writing is an important part of everyone’s life, whether we use it in school, in the workplace, as a hobby or in personal communication. It is important to have this skill because it helps us as writers to express feelings and thoughts to other people in a reasonably permanent form. Formal writing forms like essays, research papers, and articles stimulates critically thinking. This helps the writer to learn how to interpret the world around him/her in a meaningful way. In college, professors motivate students to write in a formal, coherent manner, without losing their own voice in the process. Improving your writing skills is important, in every English class that’s the main teaching point; to help students improve their writing skills. Throughout my college experience I have acknowledge that
Over the course of the semester, I feel that I have grown as a writer in many ways. When I came into the class, there were skills I had that I already excelled at. During my time in class, I have come to improve on those skills even more. Before I took this class, I didn’t even realise what I was good at. This is the first class where I felt I received feedback on my writing that helped me to actually review my work to see what areas I lacked in and where I succeeded.
“Man is an animal that lives in language as a fish lives in water and so written communication is just one of the ways that man can survive through” (English scholar Annie Dillard). Writing is a skill to give information. Like all skills, it is not inborn and so it needs to be learnt. To give information you need good communication skills including the ability to write simply, clearly and concisely (Harris & Cunningham, 1996).
During this College Composition course, I came across numerous obstacles and educational involvements. Every factor of this course contributed to my overall learning experience. For starters, we often read out of our textbooks, “The Little Seagull Handbook” and “They Say I Say”. These books helped showcase proper writing techniques. In addition, we would have class discussions that everyone would participate in. This opened my eyes to different viewpoints that could influence my writing. I recall one class we had a debate over a topic and everyone had to choose a side to argue. Then when we wrote argument essays, even though they were on a different topic, it helped me view my topic in different ways. Lastly, the most helpful to my writing was peer review. We were told to read our paper out loud to our partner. Although personally I am quiet and dislike reading out loud, I found this very helpful. Instantly, my partner and I could find grammar mistakes that one may not pick up on while reading silently. Then we could also talk about other possible revisions for my paper. For every paper, we would have conferences with the professor. This was effective as well to have a professional giving corrections and ideas. When we would get back our graded rubrics on the assignments we completed, the instructor would leave comments to
Now the communication class is almost over I have realize how important is to have good communication skills, and how it is key to life. I have learned many things in this class for example ways to approach strangers. Another thing that I have learned how to handle conflict and how sometimes it could be good it not always bad and many others. The way I look things have change to have reach my goals. This class was has also taught me how to look in the “other” perceptive, and not being selfish by just seeing one side. All that I have learn will help me and other around me to be able to communicate better.