Reflection On Failure

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Failures are invaluable lessons learnt through which we evolve to strive and attain desired goals. Failures aren’t defeats, but a stepping stone for future success. It takes a great level of confidence and courage to encounter failure. Failures are experienced and setbacks that motivate critical thinking, it prompts thoughtfulness and challenges and empowers the brain to fine solution for limited opportunity. Failures mature us to learn and grow, it creates new opportunities, makes us stronger and gives us courage to overcome obstacles.
Failure is necessary for success. I took no heed to parental advice and paid a hefty price for this failure. They advised me to drive slow within the sub and obey road signs whilst driving. During the summer …show more content…

Last summer I took the subject of Discrete Structure that is part of my engineering course. I learned another valuable lesson that it takes the combination of hard work and critical thinking to overcome a difficult task. I have spent three tedious years at this college and during my tenure, I have not run into any difficulties in the completion of assignments or projects. I made a judgmental error as I thought that the first assignment would be easy as past assignments. An error that became costly as the task was enormous and time consuming. The deadline approached, and I failed to complete the assignment. I learned from this failure to allow ample time and therefore for the second project I worked hard from day one. The project was difficult and although I spent many hours daily, I failed to achieve my desired goal. I failed to achieve a superior grade as it lacked critical thinking. I jumped into the project without analyzing and laying out an attack plan. For the third project I applied all the lessons learnt from the first two failures. I planned, analyzed and applied rational thinking before attempting the assignment. I succeeded, I achieved my desired goal. Another contribution to my life lesson is that it takes the combination of critical thinking and hard work to successfully compete any given task. I apply this lesson at work, I do not take time for granted. Before attempting I …show more content…

In high school junior year in an extra curriculum activity, I failed to achieve a Black Belt on my initial try out. This event demoralized me as all the other kids that began karate around the same time had passed. They practiced while I was enjoying hanging around. I made a mockery of myself, I cried. My parents explained that failures are part of life and that it was my own fault for not putting in the extra effort. They advised me that I have to set goals to overcome my defeats. That night I made a promise to myself that I was going to achieve the black belt and go beyond. I set a realistic goal and not to procrastinate the deal I made to myself, not to self-sabotage but succeed in achieving my dream. I worked hard on my karate skills every day after school, I gave up all my other activities, and I did not hang around with friends after school or even in the weekends. I practiced hard as I was determined to achieve success. In the next testing session I passed with flying colors, the instructor was amazed and pleased with my abilities. After passing I made a point that I must apply the same amount of zealous and determination to all my studies. The result was good grades and a way to engineering college, my dream. The failure to achieve a black belt taught me a great lesson that to succeed I need to be self-motivated. I must not give up on any task, I must keep on trying till I

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