Reflection Of Writing: The Banking Concept Of Education

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When I began writing papers, I was in the seventh grade. Every week we had to write a five paragraph essay with a long list of requirements. At the start, it was very stressful trying to write an entire 5 paragraph essay in one week. However, by the end of the year, I discovered how to quickly and effectively write my paper. I would start my paper every week by making an outline. My introduction would start out by listing all the points that I was going to mention in my paper including my attention grabber and thesis statement. Each of the three body paragraphs would start out with an introduction sentence leading into the paragraph with 3 supporting details to follow. Each paragraph would end with a way to tie in the next point in my …show more content…

When I started writing this essay I was all over the place. I tried to put in all the facts that I had learned about when reading the essay “The Banking Concept of Education” in my “Ways of Reading” book. Instead, I should have focused in more on just a few specific points. Also, at first I wasn’t relating my paper to my own future career as a teacher. However, in my second draft, I included specific points on how the readings relate to me as a teacher. For example, I can relate to Freire’s banking concept of education where students learn from teachers and teachers learn from their students. I want to follow this process of everyone learning from one another in my own classroom (“The Deeper Meaning of Learning 1). In the book “Writing with power” by Peter Elbow, he discusses how a good writer is able to discover the main point of their essay. Once the writer has found the main point of their essay, they should developed precise points that coincide with their topic (Elbow 33-34). When I revised the essay, I focused on about three or four main points of the essay and elaborated in more detail. I also put in more personal connections on how the main points relate to me and my career as a teacher. Banking Concept: Teacher learns from student and student learns from

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