Reflection Of William Kentridge's Life In The Past

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Personally I find that Kentridges work cements the past which he narrates in the present, I think the artists work is socially engaging because…

It is the act of forgetfulness which Kentridge finds distressing, how such events like (???) can escape from ones memory and the process of forgiveness too is merely ignored. To Kentrige this is makes little to no sense and is therefore a means to him for creating work based upon personal and collective history, as opposed to singularly narrating his own personal history which few South Africans can relate to as he found himself in an unusual position as a white man aware of the atrocities which took place.

By studying Kentridges work, it is now clear that the act of remembering is an important one in order to mover forward, and ensure history does not repeat itself. To accept and acknowledge the past, to make an account of it, to honour it. One could analyse Kentridges works and assume that the artist is stuck in the past and refuses to accept the future, perhaps for fear that nothing will change, that if he does not dedicate his life to the cause that it will be swept away and forgotten like so many challenging times …show more content…

In the sense that the artist is dealing with a subject matter loaded with emotion and passion, it would appear futile to analyse his work in a calculated manner. Whilst viewing ‘9 Drawings for projection’ you become invested in the protagonists, empathising with them in scenes and relating to the traumas which they are dealing with. It would be inaccurate to say that a set of rules should be applied to the manner in which we interpret the narrative content of this artists body of work. The emotional reaction which occurs when viewing Kentirdges work is something which can’t be achieved through historical reading of the subject. for it is artworks which

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