Reflection Of The 21st Classroom

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Lichtman (2014) strongly believes that the 21st classroom should be a creation of a rich Ecosystem, where students are Permeable, they are online, off campus, conferring with their communities and connecting around the world. Learning spaces are creative hubs that encourage students to no longer sit all day in chairs, but extend their learning with real life, hands on experiences that are vibrant and relevant to their individual needs and interests. Litchtman (2014) continues to expand this idea by stating the 21st classroom looks messy, noisy, crossing the lines of subject matters and engaging students in authentic ways. The students are self-correcting with authentic reflection that is modelled and practiced daily. This enables students to follow the framework for school age care (FSAC) and take more control of their learning to scaffold and consolidate new ideas that ensures they are thinking about their learning at an innovating, flexible, richer level and making connections to the wonderment of the world around them (Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations for the Council of Australian …show more content…

NSW Department of Education and Communities (NSWDEC). (2012) states that the teachers acts as a facilitator or guide to stimulate innovating hands on experiences where the students can broaden their learning by elaborating on and extending their knowledge into other integrated subjects. Then evaluating not only their students but also their own process to ensure the inquiry cycle can be continually evolving. The 5E model although originally desined to support science learning it can be appliced across the curriculum and can be applied across all grades (Chitman-Booker & Koop,

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