Reflection And Exploration Of Life In Gurdeep's Life

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The author will discuss the image they have created for themselves at 87 years old while reflecting the aging process they are experiencing. The first part of the paper will explain Gurdeep's life story and how her life at 87 years old is going for her. The second part will be a more in-depth reflection and exploration of aging in relation to the various aging theories.
Part One
It is the year 2085 and I (Gurdeep) am 87 years old now. I have been married to the love of my life Harman for 62 years now and have two kids together; Aayan and Aria. We moved to Vancouver a year after I finished my nursing degree at Medicine Hat College. I worked as a correctionals nurse for the first six years of my career and then switched over to psychiatric nursing, …show more content…

I can function quite well myself; though my son does not always agree with that. I know I am still functioning well enough to take care of my own activities of daily living such as; my personal hygiene, continence management, getting dressed by myself, feeding, and I am able to ambulate by myself. I may talk time to move from spot to spot but I am capable of doing so. My Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) require some assistance from my family but overall I consider myself healthy. Every 87-year-old needs help with medications or cleaning the entire house sometimes, and yes I cannot drive anymore or completely manage my own finances anymore, but I have a family that can look after that and they do. I just do not want to be a burden on them and ever since we moved in they manage a majority of my IADLs. My health sometimes affects my ability to function especially when my iron gets very low and I have to go get iron infusions so I do not get dizzy and faint, which has happened quite a few times and I have the scars to proof it. I am still Synthroid and antidepressants ever since I was a teenager and probably will be on them until I die. I tried to come off my antidepressants after college but the symptoms came back and I had frequent reoccurring suicidal thoughts and ever since then I have been too scared to try decreasing the dose and coming off them again. I do not want to have those thoughts at this age or potentially even act on them because it would destroy my family. My vision has been stable recently but the hardest part is not the vision but that I forget where my glasses are some days or that I even need to wear them. My ADHD and Alzheimer’s together is not that great for my cognitive abilities but since it is still the beginning stage I want to stop the cognitive decline so I can live freely without being a burden on my family. I guess I should be happy that this is my only major

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