Red Zuma Case Analysis

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Part 1

1. When is the project estimated to be completed? How long will it take?

The Red Zuma project will take 260 days and be completed on 1/11/16

2. What is the critical path for the project?

Market Analysis  Product Design  Product Design Selection  Detailed Product Design  Build Prototypes  Field Test Prototypes  Finalized Product Design  Final Manufacturing Process  Order Production Equipment  Install Production Equipment  Celebrate

3. Which activity has the greatest amount of slack?

Detailed Marketing plan has the greatest amount of slack.

4 .How sensitive is this network?

Because this network is not very sensitive it means that there is only one critical and also a wide range of available free slack.

5. Identify two sensible …show more content…


Part 3

Top management has accepted the schedule created at the end of Part 2. Prepare a brief memo that addresses the following questions:

1. How much will the project cost? What is the most expensive activity?

The Red Zuma Project would cost $903,699 and the most expensive activity will be detailed product design at a total cost of $190,168

2. What does the cash flow statement tell you about how costs are distributed over the life span of the project?

The cost during the projects first month are low and decline in September, however in October there is a spike.


Part 4


The Red Zuma Project is currently over budget, product design costed a lot of extra capital however, we were able to complete the manufacturing study under budget.

Being 93 cents for every ever dollar when it comes to planned work.
The EAC is $973,246, if we are only getting 93 on cents on the dollar worth of work we will be about $70,000 over budget by the projects

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