Reasons To Reject Vegetarianism

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Vegetarianism is just like any other life choice, people choose that route for different reasons. A vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat. One of the reasons people chose to become vegetarians to protest the condition for animals in these factory farms. Others do it because they either don’t like the taste of meat or find it unnecessary to consume other animals. Just like any other ideology, vegetarianism, shouldn’t be forced onto others. If people have been eating meat and it’s their tradition why go and invade their privacy. Anything that causes others to be affected should be debated and examined thoroughly. When one asks the question if people should become vegetarian one has to consider many factors. Vegetarians chose not to eat meat, and get their nutritional needs through other sources. The reasons why people become vegetarians vary greatly. The percentage of the population that is vegetarian is extremely low and the face the opposition of the majority of people. The lack of knowledge and dangers that come from vegetarianism is too great for a shift to vegetarianism.

Vegetarians forget that not everyone can afford the lifestyle that they chose. Here in the US a lot of farmers receive “farm program subsidies that lower production costs and prices of corn” (Smith 9) and other crops. In some third world countries, all a family has is livestock, and telling that family that they shouldn’t eat the only food available is the depriving that person of one of their basic human rights.

Vegetarians will fight and even deprive themselves of nutrition to protect the rights of the animals, but if another human is affected by their actions they look the other way. Animals can feel pain but can’t communicate it with people, ...

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...ving to waste too much money.

Works Cited

Esteves, Tammy. "Food for thought: is a French fry a vegetable? The cost of healthy foods and the lack of physical activity among children and teenagers are fueling the obesity epidemic." The Public Manager Summer 2011: 71+. Academic OneFile. Web. 5 Nov. 2013.

Werner, Louis. "Saving the seed spectrum." Americas [English Edition] Mar.-Apr. 1996: 2. Academic OneFile. Web. 5 Nov. 2013.

National Cattlemen's Beef Association, "The Environment and Cattle Production: Fact Sheet”, (accessed Jan. 13, 2011)

"No beef: it's what makes you dimmer." Food Management Nov. 2008: 64. Academic OneFile. Web. 6 Nov. 2013.

"How to wash produce properly: What's the best way to handle fresh produce to minimize the chance of foodborne illness?" Mother Earth News Dec. 2012: 85+. Academic OneFile. Web. 6 Nov. 2013.

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