In our society today, we find ourselves dealing with similar factors from ancient literature. One factor that is still relevant to our society is doing things that are forbidden from us. There is always that one person who is curious which makes them more anxious to do things that they are told not to do. When people are forbidden from doing something, most likely it will make them more interested in doing it. In these three stories, I will show how being forbidden in ancient literature is still the same as our society.
In the short story, “The Old Testament: Genesis,” the Lord God had forbidden Adam from eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat….” (“Genesis” 54). Adam followed the rules, but however the woman that the Lord God created was tricked by the serpent. “Ye shall not surely die...” (“Genesis” 55). This was stated by the serpent, who tricked the woman into eating from the tree. When the serpent told the woman that she would not die, which made her want to eat from the tree more. The woman knew that she was not going to die, so she didn’t listen to what the Lord God told Adam. By being disobedient to Lord God, Adam and the woman had to face consequences. “I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thy shalt bring forth children…” (“Genesis” 55). The Lord God punished the woman and Adam, because they did not listen to his command. This connects to our society today, because many people who are forbidden from doing something follow the rules until that one person tell them something different to break the rule. While breaking this rule, that person will most likely face ...
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...bidden from them. They may feel like their freedom is being taken from them, so instead they will do the opposite of what they are told. However in these three short stories, each character was doing something which was forbidden from them. In some way, they were either punished or later on in life suffered some consequences. When a person know that something is wrongdoing, it makes them want to be insubordinate and break the rules more. If a person feels like being bad, knowing that they are going against the rules, it will most likely give them more happiness. For example, Augustine loved doing evil things, because he just loved being bad. There are also people who have bad influences on a person which encourage them to do things which are forbidden from them. With that being said, a person have their own choice, but it’s their choice to choose the right decision.
Many thematic issues are found in modern plays from classic myths in the book Nine Muses by Wim Coleman. Long ago, when life was full of mysteries, myths, or explanations, helped people make sense of a perplexing world. Myths also explain deeper questions. Such as, how did the world itself come to be? How did life begin? How were human beings created and why? And why is there suffering and death in the world? People of ancient cultures all over the world puzzled over such questions, and they created stories to answer them. One of the main thematic issues in Nine Muses is the tragic effect of engaging in actions which are forbidden. Some plays which express this thematic issue are “Pandora”, “Phaeton and the Sun Chariot”, and “Eros and Psyche”.
The battle of good versus evil is present in all aspects of life. Actions taken by people can determine how others view them. Some choose to do what is right and good, while others choose what is wrong and evil. Many characters are forced to choose between the two, and some do not foresee the consequences of their actions. In the book Peace Like a River by Leif Enger, actions committed by the Davy, Jeremiah, and Jeremiah’s friends, both good and evil, always have consequences.
Throughout the course of his lifetime, Ah Cheng experienced major political and historical events that strongly influenced his literature. The Cultural Revolution and rule of Mao Zedong was widespread throughout China starting in the 1960s, and devastated millions of families. Cheng took a different approach to much of the literature ("scar literature") that emerged from the revolution, and instead of focusing on the detrimental effects, chose to use his literature as a way to point out the flaws of the revolution. These counter-revolutionary ideals are subtle but evident throughout The King of Trees, as the political chaos creates a backdrop in the novella, rather than the central focus. They can especially be seen through the use of abundant metaphorical elements. By showing the effects of the “down to the countryside movement”, a major reform under the rule of Mao Zedong, Cheng is able to provide a commentary on the Revolution through his characters and the setting as well. Throughout The King of Trees, Ah Cheng reveals his political views towards the Cultural Revolution through his use of symbolism, and his descriptions of the characters and the setting.
...n idea about the human psyche and the nature of evil. Throughout the novels, we have acts that were dubbed as evil. Some of these were: the acts of the rabbi’s son, the killing of Simon, and even the joy Eliezer felt at the death of his father. All of these points and the many that weren’t mentioned all shared a singular idea. It was that the ulterior motive of these acts revolved around people reacting on instinct and desire. From these, we gain the final message of the novel that was proven time and time again. This message was that evil isn’t an act that just isn’t moral. Evil is the primal, instinctual, an animalistic rage that lives in the darker part of our heart, a part of the heart that is brought to light upon the moment the chains of civilization are broken..... A moment where we fall prey to our instincts and our conscience disappears into the darkness.
This act of disobedience describes the first moral flaw, and the consequential corruption of mankind. By disobeying God, Adam and Eve take the first steps towards independence and freedom. This helps them reach their spiritual and intellectual capacity. After Adam and Eve leave the Garden of Eden, they create a new harmony referred to as “the end of days” (622). To the prophets, man is right to disobey; this allows him to think for himself.
Clearly, these two stories say some very profound things about the human condition. Given the right conditions, there is evil in all of us that is just waiting to surface. And we were all innocent once, but some event made us lose it. Finally, people are all manipulative given the opportunity. These conclusions aren’t just drawn about the characters in the novels. These are things that are true for each and every human who ever lived, and everyone who will live. We are flawed creatures, and through the aid of great writers like these, we begin to realize it. Really, we shouldn’t need them to tell us about ourselves though. Just look at the world around you, and you will know.
The creation story in Genesis refers to a serpent classically interpreted as an evil entity. If we consider God’s warning that eating fruit from a certain tree would result in death the same day and that the record indicates that the only two humans on the planet did not, we must reconsider the role of the serpent and reevaluate the roles of good and evil and how they apply to ...
Man's charmed life lasted until the Fall, by which sin and sin nature entered the world. Pain in childbirth, difficulty in agriculture, and, most importantly, death are all results of Man's disobedience (Genesis 3:16-19). Death, despite its negative connotations was given to Man as a gift, for only in death could the separation between God and Man be bridged. The practice of offering firstborn livestock to God began with Abel's first sacrifice. This offering pointed to God's ultimate resolution for sin's breach, first promis...
Inside every human being is the desire to be evil. In society, rules and order exist for the purpose of keeping human civilization from revealing our inherently immoral sides. In William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, it is witnessed that when order is absent from society, people choose to act immorally. In fact, many of the boys fall into the hands of evil behaviour and are conquered by savagery. Whereas only three boys in the novel named Piggy, Simon and Ralph, stay true to themselves amongst the chaos of their rule-free society. As a result, the three boys are forced to endure isolation and abuse and are dehumanized by the other boys.
In life and in fairytales there are always those that try to harm others or put them down, and fairytales teach children that those who do that do not succeed in the long run. The story of the Pied Piper is a perfect example of this. The people in the city of Hamelin refused to pay the Pied Piper even though they had promised. Because of this the Pied Piper led the children of the village away with his magical music (Young). As one can see this story shows how those that do wrong will be punished for their wrong and cruel acti...
In the beginning, God did not want anyone to be sinful. God created mankind in the image of himself. The purpose of humans is to maintain the Earth. He placed a man and woman into a tempt-full location. He commanded for them to not eat off the tree of forbidden fruit. However, a serpent inquired about what God had stated. After gaining that knowledge, the serpent tricked the woman, into eating the fruit, from the forbidden tree. The woman then persuaded the man, to also eat fruit, from the forbidden tree. God then checked up on the man and woman. He asked the man why he ate the fruit; the man had blamed the woman. God then asked the woman why she ate the forbidden fruit; the woman had blamed the serpent. God was angered and disappointed by Adam’s and Eve’s action that in return, He punished the serpent,
When wisdom is mixed with disobedience it opens the door for evil to abound. Although Eve was the first to take of the fruit and Adam the second, both shared responsibility in the transgression as Arnold describes it. (62;67,
Leon Forrest authored a unique and challenging novel, titled: A Tree More Ancient than Eden, which depicts Nathaniel Witherspoon 's quest for understanding his African American identity. This novel is very different from the traditional narratives that typically flow chronologically; this novel flows through the narrator in a stream of conscious thoughts. Forrest’s novel moves from one incident to another, jumping around in history while carrying around the descriptions of mystical, biblical, and historical events. Through the narrator, the author explores the African American experience and addresses the issues of race that conflict with the narrator. In this essay, I will be discussing how the novel deals with the past, how the author addresses
Religious texts have been one of the main sources for laws and social customs since the conception of organized religion. Each religious text provides its followers with a code of conduct they are expected to apply to themselves, their actions, and their institutions. This code of conduct applies to the individual, as well as to the government and society to within which the people exist, and ultimately defines what a "just society" is in the context of that religion. Using stories and proverbs this code of conduct, and thus "just society", is not only set, but also shown in examples. In The Bible, the essence of a "just society" is laid out within passages that serve as "the laws", including Deuteronomy, and the Psalms, and in the stories, such as the stories of Job, David, Samuel, and the Family of Adam. The actions and nature of God in these stories are meant to be an example of the values and personality favored by God. In these passages, a structure for a just society is presented, and the values and examples, which are to be referred to and followed in the creation of this "just society", are discussed. However, even within these passages, there are discrepancies between the structure of the ideal "just society" and its values, and the following of these examples by the stories presented in The Bible. One of the most noticeable of these is the difference between the presentation of the ideal "just society" and values that are supposed to be implemented by the people, and the actual justice and values presented in the stories. This is particularly pertaining to the stories of the rulers appointed by God, and the vengeful nature of God himself presented in these stories.
Because Adam and Eve repent for their disobedience and commit themselves to following God's orders in the future, the possibility for salvation exist for them. The rebellious angels, however, continue to disobey God without showing remorse for their defiance and thus seem to fall deeper in their troubles as their punishment increases. Thus, through both the human fall and the rebellion of the angels, Milton suggests a high value in obedience since failure to comply often results in burdensome and trying physical punishment.