Reading 12: SEE AGGRESSION…DO AGRESSION! Bandura, A., Ross, D., & Ross, S.A. (1961). Transmission of aggression through imitation of aggressive models. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63, 575-582. One of the most researched topics in the history of psychology is aggression. One goal of social scientists has been to define aggression. Some believe that aggression is biologically preprogrammed, others look toward situational factors and this study suggests that aggression is learned. This study was conducted by Albert Bandura and his associates in 1961 at Stanford University. The researchers proposed that the children be exposed to adult models with either aggressive or nonaggressive ways, they would then be tested without the models present to determine if they would imitate that aggression they observed in the adult. The participants in this study included a total of 36 boys and 36 girls ranging in age from 3 years to almost 6 years. The average age of the children was 4 years, and 4 months. The control group consisted of 24 children, who would not be exposed to any model. The rest of the 48 children were divided into two groups: one group was exposed to aggressive models and the other group was exposed to nonaggressive models. These groups were then divided again into males and females. They were then further divided so that half of the children were exposed to same-sex models and opposite-sex models. (Leaving 8 experimental groups and 1 control group.) The children were brought to a playroom, where the experimenter invited the adult model to join in the game. The child was in one corner with interesting activities, while the adult model was in another corner containing a tinker-toy set, a mallet and an inflated 5 f... ... middle of paper ... ... story. With the adults there were a total of three photographs that they had to choose from, but for the children there were only two photographs to choose from. There was a total of 40 photographs that were used of 24 different people, including men, women, boys and girls. There were translators who received careful training to ensure that they would not influence the participants. They were taught how to translate the stories exactly the same way each time, and were told not to elaborate or embellish them. The emotions that were tested were happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, disgust and fear. While analyzing the results, researchers wanted to determine if any responses between men, women and the children were different. The adult women tended to be more hesitant when participating and had experienced less eye contact with the Westerner than men did. There were
Tio Hardiman, the creator of the Violence Interrupters Program, said, “You can give them a history lesson. Your daddy was violent, your granddaddy was violent, and your great granddaddy was violent. And now your brothers are messed up because you misled them” (James et al., 2012). He is describing how violence is a learned behavior from your family and close peers. Hardiman goes on to tell a little about his own family’s history with violence. When he was fourteen, a man tried to hurt him in the streets, but his stepfather killed the man right in front of him, and he recalls feelings good about it. This family taught him violence was okay through their own
Basing their study across different sources, one being the influence of a film, a model (male and female). The children that participated in the study were those who attended the university nursery, it is vital to the study that the environment was an everyday place to the children this is what makes it ecologically valid. Continuing the study Bandura separated the children into groups of twenty - four. Making up a total of four groups. Each group observed different interaction group one saw a live model behaving aggressively to a blown up doll named bob, group two observed a film that showed the live model behaving aggressively towards Bobo, group three observed a film of a made up model behaving aggressively towards the doll and finally group four did not observe any aggressive behaviour towards the doll. The results showed the exposure to violent model did increase the amount of aggression shown by the children, however, the children that viewed the model on film, whether it be human or fantasy it made no difference to the levels of aggression showed by the children. Through the results it was also uncovered that the boys had shown more aggression that the girls. (Brace and Byford
Aggression is defined as any behavior intended to harm another person who is motivated to avoid the harm according to Baumeister & Bushman (2014). A study was conducted in 1967 by Leonard Berkowitz and Anthony LePage, to determine whether the presence of weapons would elicit aggressive behavior from an individual (Baumeister & Bushman, 2014). They hypothesized that participants were likely to associate weapons, particularly firearms, to aggression and violence, which would cause observing a weapon to elicit an aggressive response. The experiment determined that the presence of weapon can elicit an aggressive response from people ready to act aggressively. In the study, participants were shocked up to seven times then given the opportunity to
The participants were invited to a university building made aware of the 20-minute videotaping was to be recorded of a communication situation. They were then introduced for the first time by their first name when entering the observation room. The participants were free to choose a topic for their discussion provided it was about something serious and personal. The dyads were in the room by themselves for the first time being aware of the pre-installed camera pointing in the direction of their chairs. After their 20 minutes on camera there would be a knock on the door to end the session. Once the recording had been finished, the participants filled in a questionnaire to check on the legitimacy of the arrangements and to cover the participant’s subjective outlook of the situation before the purpose of the study was disclosed to them. They were guaranteed the tapes would stay confidential and the statistics used they will not be recognized also they can withdraw the consent to use their data at any time. At this time any question was answered as openly as the participants demanded before they were asked to give consent for their videotape to be used in the
Francis’s study analyzes three to five-year-old preschool students as well as their parents about their views about toys and viewing materials based on gender. The study showed that parental beliefs shaped their child 's opinions of gender roles based on the toys they played with. The parent 's idea of what is female and what is male is transferred onto the toys their child plays with which in terms developed their child 's stereotype of what is male and female based on their toy selection and color. In the article “How do today 's children play and with which toys?”, by Klemenovic reference that a child 's view on gender stereotypes is developed by their parents who train them on how to use the toys. Klemenovic (2014) states "Adults start training in the first months of a child 's life because knowledge of objects is the outcome of other people 's behavior towards us" (Klemenovic, 2014, p. 184). Young children’s development of gender stereotypes is largely influenced by his or her parent’s actions and view on what they consider male or female. A parent’s color preference and toy selection can influence a child’s gender bias or association to a specific
... Test of the General Aggression Model." Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 28.12 (2002): 1679-686. Print.
Since the beginning of social psychology, psychologist has been trying to analyze how people’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior are impacted by aggression. When an aggressive person gets frustrated or upset, social psychologist tracks down what exactly drives them to commit crimes, atrocities, or even abuse. According to Kassin, Fein, and Markus, aggression is “behavior intended to harm another individual” (2016). Individuals who attain this trait don’t always have to physically abuse someone, aggressive attacks could be verbal, emotional, or mental as well. Although many might argue that people who are viewed as aggressive tend to harm another person because that is their only cure, however, there are alternative motives that drive aggression,
From this research of examining how gender socialization is projection through toys to children, have led to conclusion that in order to prevent children from living by these stereotypes portrayed through toys, parents should encourage gender-neutral and cross-gender play in children at an early age. Just for the mere that their brain is so receptive to knowledge into creating to become the person they are to be in life. Give children a chance to not only have fun while playing with their toys and that there aren’t any pressures on them that this what they should be and that there a mind full options that they can choose from.
In this paper I have learned that children base their actions of off what they learned from their parents. In my findings, I was able to see that Girl 1 treated Girl 2 as her mother would meaning that Girl 1 tended to Girl 2 as if she were a young child and she was an older more mature child. Girl 2 also reacted in a way that is considered aggression to get her way. The most interesting thing to me in all of this observation is that Berger was right in saying that behavior is learned through the actions of their parents (Berger, 200, 2012).
A Bobo doll was introduced into a room where the kids were playing and the Bobo doll was subjected to three different kinds of behavior that the children were made to witness. In the aggressive model, the adult role model attacked the Bobo doll. Sometimes they used hammers and sometimes they “threw the doll up in the air and shouted “Pow, Boom”” (McLeod, 2011.) In the non-aggressive model, the adult role model ignored the Bobo doll and played in a restrained manner. In the control group, the children played by themselves and were left to do whatever they wanted. Out of the 24 kids who were shown the aggressive model, 6 boys and 6 girls were shown a female model performing the aggressive action and 6 boys and 6 girls were shown a male model doing the same act. Of the 24 that saw the non-aggressive role model, again 6 boys and 6 girls were exposed to a female model and 6 boys and 6 girls were exposed to a male model. The 24 children of the control group were exposed to neither female nor male models. It is important to note that all the children were induced to a “mild aggression arousal” (McLeod, 2011.) The children were allowed to play with a couple of toys and as soon as they made a selection, it was taken away from them and were told that those toys were meant for the other
In one lab study, children mirrored physical aggression immediately after exposure, thus directly illustrating social cognitive theory. This theory states that children will mirror a model’s actions in the short term, especially when the actions are rewarded rather than punished. Results in a longitudinal study show an overall increase in adult aggression when the participant was exposed television violence as a child (Martins & Wilson, 2011, p. 49-51). This study directly relates to the information processing theory, which states that the child will create his or her own scripts based on the acquired material and use the processed information in social situations. Popular television shows seemingly normalize social aggression through humor and attractive actors. Martins and Wilson have used this information to explore whether this repeated exposure to nonphysical aggression leads to mirroring and the perception that these behaviors are normal in social
Aggression is also a relative construct. What might seem like a terribly aggressive act to one person, most often the victim, might seem like an induced response to the perpetrator.(3) Psychologist Arlene Stillwell performed an experiment where she assigned ordinary college students at random to play the role of a victim or a perpetrator in a small incident. Then she asked the students to describe the situation that had just transpired. What she found was that both victims and perpetrators deformed the truth equally to present their sides in a better light. Victims would dwell on their lasting traumas from the incident while the perpetrator might make the act seem like a one-time action provoked by insurmountable circumstances. The resulting implication is that aggression is in the eye of the beholder.(3) Due to its relative nature aggression is extremely hard to isolate and study. Some acts are very easy to categorize as aggressive, a first degree murder or first degree rape, but is negligent manslaughter aggressive? The mere act of not shoveling one’s sidewalk might have the same effect as a cold-blooded murder but is it an aggressive act? For the purposes of this paper aggression will be related to the four conditions presented by Gerd...
In Bandura’s Bobo Doll experiment, performed in the 1960’s by Dr. Albert Bandura, showed the children a video of an adult hitting, punching, kicking and, moreover general aggression towards the doll. While another group of children viewed an adult, being gentle with the Bobo doll and a control group in which there was no influence towards the doll. Because Dr. Bandura used isolated groups and used unique methods with each group, his research, classified as an experiment as he was manipulating a factor, which was the type of attitude shown to the Bobo doll that the children watched (Myers, 2014). In the begging of the study, there were 72 children, 36 boys and 36 girls, observed at the Stanford University and tested for aggressive behavior
Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Affect, Physiological Arousal, and Prosocial Behavior: a Meta-Analytic Review of the Scientific Literature." Psychological Science (2001). EBSCO. DePaul Library. 7 Mar. 2008.
It can said that although children are quick to replicate aggression with toys such as a doll, a distinction can be made by children that this is not morally right behaviour to inflict on another child. This therefore questions whether behaviour inflicted on a toy such as the Bobo doll can be used to predict or explain behaviour towards another living being. As Baron (1977) defines aggression as “Behaviour directed towards the goal of harming or injuring another living being who is motivated to avoid such treatment” (p.7). The aggressive acts conducted by the children on the doll fail to meet this definition, not being living or able to avoid the behaviour. As highlighted by Cumberbatch (1990) who notes that those who were unfamiliar with the doll were five times more likely to imitate the aggression they had previously observed than those who had familiarity with the doll. Therefore, a large proportion of the aggression displayed could be interpreted as playing or playfighting, rather than genuine aggression. However, following the criticism of the Bobo doll being made to hit, in one of