Rape Culture On Young Girls

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Today’s public is bombarded on a daily basis with advertisement upon advertisement, image upon image aimed at making us think a certain way, making us want to buy a certain thing, making us feel a certain way about ourselves. The most susceptible to these images is arguably the teenaged girl. Adolescence, an already harrowing time for anyone, is compounded with the impending pressure of adhering to societal standards set forth by both historical and modern outlets. Young girls cannot grow up within their own minds anymore, and their circle of comparison is no longer limited to what they see directly around them. Just by turning on the television or attempting to watch a video or read an article on almost any website, girls are shown endless …show more content…

Living in a rape culture means that women’s bodies are never really theirs, and that they are never their own masters. For teen girls, this means being subject to attention they either didn’t want, or wanted because they believe that it’s what they should be doing, but don’t actually have the capacity to handle. Children are pulled up into the adult world and expected to conduct themselves on the adult level, and adults expect from them much more than they would expect from other children, all because they have justified to themselves that these young girls are in some way older than they really are. Recently, there was a participant on Brazil’s MasterChef Junior who experienced the very real fear of growing up in a rape culture. An article for the Huffington Post, written by Carol Patrocionio, tells the story of a 12-year-old girl named Valentina, who had done nothing except participate in a children’s cooking competition when men on the internet started talking about how they want to rape her. A tweet from one of these men read “@luantipatico relax my friend!! These hot chicks should be blamed for pedophilia!”; another read “@jefreymendes what about valentina cooking all those dishes on masterchef..... Quite slutty....”. The mere presence of girls in a public space isn’t safe for them. They are constantly under the eye of the adult men around them, and with the expansion of technology those men don’t even need to be in the same room

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