Contemplating Gender Inequality and Rape Culture

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1.The pay gap does seem to be improving (even though it’s slow progress is progress!), but that doesn’t make it non-existent: 2. Rape is illegal (including the sexual assault or rape of men, don’t worry!) and yes the 1 in 4 statistic is false but all of these ones aren’t: 3. Rape culture in the US does exist, and isn’t limited to “just women”, think of jokes about prison rape which make it seem comical when it isn’t. The term “rape culture” was coined to bring to light how society normalizes rape and aggressive sexual behavior. In the 70’s when it was first coined it focused on aggression towards women, who at the time (and currently) face higher rates for sexual assault than men, but currently has been expanding to describe society’s views on rape as a whole. Just because it highlights aggression towards women doesn’t mean it totally disregards men- keyword culture- but any way you slice it, women have a higher chance of getting assaulted, and acknowledging that shouldn’t make men uncomfortable if rape culture doesn’t exist right? That’s basically like saying paying more attention to your sick For starters, and I’m not sure if they missed this in health class or something but, women don’t have foreskins at any point in their lives. Secondly circumcision is done for health (reducing the rate of infant UTI’s, may lower the chance or penile cancer, and could offer more protection against STD’s, notably HIV and AIDS) and religious reasons. This is not something done just to hurt boys, there are legitimate reasons for it that biologically don’t apply to women. Also parents have the right to refuse circumcising their child. Female genital mutilation, especially in other countries is so much worse than that, and there are NO health benefits from any type of female genital

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