Random By Tom Leeven Summary

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So far in this story the mood is very intense as many arguments and high stress situations have occurred. One of these high stress situations takes place during the Hershbergers’ family dinner: “Another voice, male, shouts, ‘Have you decided on a plea?’ Dad’s chair flips backward when he stands up. My stomach contracts and pulls me taut against my chair, and Mom drops a fork. Jack doesn’t move, just sits there staring at his empty plate. Dad races to the front door. I hear him fling it open. ‘Get off my property!’ Dad shouts.” (Leeven, 3). This is a high intense situation as Tori’s dad flips a chair, which shows that he is very stress out by the media as it’s causing him to lose his temper. As, Tori’s dad becomes more stressed out by the media …show more content…

This creates the feeling that the situation is very nerve wracking. The pauses between the sentences also has a mood that feels intense as it creates urgency for the want for Andrew to pick up the phone. After reading the first 50 pages of Random by Tom Leeven, a theme that has been occurring is bullying. This theme is first talked about when Tori explains Jack’s experience in high school with bullying, “Jack had cystic acne all through high school, and people always called him all kinds of terrible names, even up till he graduated last year” ( Leeven, 2). Jack being bullied by being called names makes upset at his sister as, he has now seen his sister become the bully. Kevin Cooper is the character that commit suicide after being bullied, this quote shows the first time that Kevin is bullied: “Kevin Cooper: Not exactly. I’m surprised you didn’t hear. didn’t Jack tell you? Tori Hersgberger: Seniors don’t talk to FRESHMEN remember? :) Tell me what? Kevin Cooper: big black Magic Marker. my forehead. one word: ‘pussy.’” (Leveen,

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