Raising GPA

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“High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation” (Charles F. Kettering). Correspondingly, the Bolsa Grande High School Council decided to vote unanimously to raise the GPA from 2.0 to 3.0. The council felt that students should focus more in school rather than participating in a sport or a club. The school council made the correct decision because it develops work habits, helps students go to better colleges, and prepares students for professional life. The school council should raise the GPA requirement because it develops good work habits. These work habits can be develop by studying for a test, doing the assigned homework, or taking good notes. Students who develop good work habits, such as responsibility and efficiency, will get a better job position more than students without the work habits. Students with good work habits know that they are fulfill the expectations of themselves placed by teachers and parents. Even though students are under pressure at one point, their work habits let them progress more easily in life. With good habits and high...

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