Raise The Red Lantern Essay

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Confucianism left Chinese society as a “world of grief and misery,” and “all the living beings of the whole world are but murdered things” (Kang Youwei). I along with other intellectual revolutionaries are advocating to change the way women are perceived in Chinese society (Ebrey and Walthall). It is time to free mankind of the miseries of life stemming from Confucian texts. We must change the cultural values and question our morality from persecuting individuals as seen in the film, Raise the Red Lantern, to unifying the masses. It is of the utmost urgency to abolish the nine boundaries which divide men from women, masters from servants, class from class and pure from impure. We must reach the Grand Commonality of justice, peace-and-equality, …show more content…

If there was no double standard between genders, there would be no oppression of women. If there were no families, Confucian values and familial traditions would no longer be passed on. Chinese society would be on the path to the Grand Commonality to end all suffering. I have come to a realization that not only is it necessary to address the boundaries which plague our society, it is necessary to prioritize the order in which we abolish them, as most boundaries overlap. Of the three boundaries clarified in the film, we must destroy the family first, because if there were no familial relationships, Confucian values would not be passed on and there would be no marriage, minimizing the power men hold over women. Through eliminating the gender boundary, additionally the class boundary would be targeted, given masters are male, while mistresses and servants are typically female, meaning male masters could no longer discriminate against his wives and servants on the basis of gender. Once the nine boundaries are destroyed, I am fully confident “conduct and customs will be excellent, human nature will have become perfected,” and “faults and mistakes should just about be eliminated” (Kang

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