Radiology Personal Statement

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When considering my journey towards a career in radiology, I can trace the beginnings of my interest in the field back to my childhood. My mother, an MRI technologist, introduced me to the field at an young age, and growing up I heard about and saw many of the interesting cases she had been a part of. This early exposure, while only a rudimentary introduction, piqued my interest early and started me down the path to becoming a radiologist.
My interest continued to develop as an undergraduate clinical research assistant where I spent many hours analyzing functional and anatomical MRI brain scans of veterans suffering from chronic headache for the purpose of developing a novel solution, transcranial magnetic stimulation, to their chronic pain. I was fascinated by the ability to visualize the changes in the brain structure and function that affected these patients’ everyday lives and how an understanding of these changes …show more content…

I found myself fascinated by and excelling in visually oriented subjects like histology and gross anatomy. I also pursued opportunities to advance my knowledge of the field as co-president of my institution’s radiologist interest group and as an anatomy tutor where I was able to learn about and teach others how to interpret normal and abnormal anatomy on plain films, CT scans, and gross specimens. Additionally, during my clinical clerkships I gained insight into the vast role that radiologists play in all fields of medicine. I was intrigued by the fact that radiologist assist in the management of essentially every patient in the healthcare system and humbled by the enormous amount of knowledge necessary to confidently make recommendations for such a variety of clinical scenarios. I was also fascinated by the ability of radiologists to use the information from the clinical scenario to choose the imaging modality that had the highest utility in patient

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