Dream Job Interview: Mananager Of A Radiologist

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Dream Job As I was contemplating on what my “dream job” would be, the two possibilities which came to mind were to become an instructor in an ultrasound program or the mananager of a radiology department. I chose to interview my manager, Timothy Applegate (personal conversation, November 2, 2016). I would never consider taking a job within an industrial plant, therefore, I decided to also interview my brother-in-law, Edward Waggoner (personal interview, October 30, 2016), a crane repairman at the Ford rouge plant. According to Timothy (personal conversation, November 2, 2016), he started his career as a nuclear medicine technologist, but wanted to move away from direct patient care to assume a management role. …show more content…

Applegate, personal conversation, November 2, 2016), helped him to attain his position. Once acquiring the position, he pursued and was successful in obtaining his Masters of Business Administration. Timothy (personal conversation, November 2, 2016) said that being part of the decision making, planning, project involvement, and financial analysis are the tasks which he likes most about his job, along with coaching. Coaching his employees not only brings him satisfaction, it also helps the department to run smoothly while he is absent. On the other hand, insufficient funding, productivity standards, employee's personal issues, giving bad news to employees, and the hospital's physical location are the issues which add pressure to his job. “When I first attained this position, it was frustrating to me that there was no …show more content…

I only have a high school diploma” ( E. Waggoner, personal interview, October 30, 2016). Ford Motor Company hired Edward as an apprentice, then, after a few months, he became a crane repair journeyman. According to Edward (personal interview, October 30, 2016), he rated his job satisfaction as three out of ten. He said that the paychecks are nice since he can work nearly all of the overtime that he wants, but climbing up ladders and walking on steel has affected his knees. He now suffers from osteoarthritis, which he claims is a result of his job. “When there are no cranes to repair, we can do what we want, such as play cards, read, or even nap, but we need to be available when one goes down. Then, the work is dirty and grueling” (personal interview, October 30, 2016). He told me a funny story of a time while napping at work, his boss yelled at him, pretending to be angry, and Edward replied, “What's the matter boss? Don't you know when a man is praying?” (E. Waggoner, personal interview, October 30,

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