Radiation Of Radiation

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Cell phones were invented by Dr. Martin Cooper who led a team of developers at Motorola and made the first cell phone call in April 3, 1973 at Motorola. Cell phones are handheld devices used by many people these days. Cell phones are a big help to the people using it. Cell phones allow you to keep in touch with family and friends around the world. Mobiles phones use and transmit waves to receive and send signals and let out radiation. However, there is a bit of a problem with these devices, they give off radiation, which may or may not be dangerous. Radiation means the discharge of energy electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, especially high-energy particles that cause ionization. Radiation that can produce ions when it interacts with matter is called ionizing. Ions are charged particles that are produced when electrons are removed from their positions in the atoms. Alpha particles, beta particles, x-ray particles and gamma rays are forms of ionizing radiation. However, radiation that is not capable of producing ions in matter is known as nonionizing radiation. Radiation is energy that moves through space or matter at a very high speed. Energy can be in the form of particles, such as alpha or beta particles, which are emitted from radioactive materials, or waves such as light, heat, radio waves, microwaves, x-rays and gamma rays. Subatomic means of, relating to, or being a particle making up an atom or a process occurring within atoms Electromagnetic means kind of radiation including visible light, radio waves, gamma rays, and X-rays, in which electric and magnetic fields vary ...

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...erest for everybody. This is a good thing as it will help people to be aware of radiations and they would be eager to protect themselves. In 2011, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified that cell phone radiation as Group 2B- possibly carcinogenic this means that there “could be some risks” but they also say that some heavy experiments is yet to be conducted. There is no specific reliable statement that says cell phones is dangerous but despite this it is best to use it as minimum as you can. In a public statement Xavier Bertrand French Health Minister said: “As the hypothesis of a risk cannot be entirely excluded. Precaution is justified.” Cell phones have made our life easier by allowing us to save time; however, we should use it in the right ways and not only the bad. Now a day the cell phone is being used unnecessarily for everything.

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