Examples Of Racism In The Help

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In The Help, by Kathryn Stockett, there are important conflicts that give insight to understanding characters. Racism is a strong continuous theme in the book that is part of all the characters’ storyline. It shows the type of person Hilly Holbrook is and what she as a character represents in today’s world. Conflicts in relationships also affect major characters such as Skeeter, Minny and Aibileen. These conflicts are what pushes them to move on from Jackson and find something better out in the progressing world. Racism is an important conflict in The Help as it shows different characters’ actions and how they deal with this conflict. An example of a character who is deeply racist and inflicts racism is Hilly Holbrook. Hilly has very strong …show more content…

Hilly uses her status and power as president of the Junior League to influence the other ladies to agree with this initiative. She doesn’t believe herself to be racist, that her actions are just and right, or that she patronising towards them. When she sends canned goods to The Poor Staving Children of Africa charity, she explains why they don’t send them money, “And how would we even know if they're even feeding their kids with it? They're likely to go to the local voodoo tent and get a satanic tattoo with our money.” This shows her ignorance of the world and society out of Jackson, as some places in America were starting to eliminate segregation. She is only one example of the many supporters of racism in the south that act hostile and inhumane towards black communities and excuse their actions as not racist. When in fact their attitudes show they don’t care about how their black servants are treated, only that they agree with …show more content…

On the outside, Minny is quick witted and tough but when Leroy is beating her, she’s vulnerable and weak. “They think big strong Minny, she sure can stand up for herself. But they don’t know what a pathetic mess I turn into when Leroy’s beating on me. I’m afraid to hit him back. I’m afraid he’ll leave me if I do.” This emphasised the message that there is more to people underneath their appearance and that you shouldn’t judge or think you know someone based on their looks. Minny’s growth is also shown in the book when she finally leaves Leroy and like Skeeter moves on to find a better life, one that they both deserve. The publishing of the book may have contributed to her realising that she can achieve anything and that she deserves

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