Racism: A Perfect Society

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I think you need peace to have a perfect society, and with that being said you have to eliminate things like racism, corruption and slavery all three of these things are major problems in this world. Racism is still a major issue still in this world you have people getting stopped by police just for being a minority, and you have groups like the white supremacist and the Ku Klux Klan that hate people who have a different culture or racial background, and sometimes brutally beat or kill minorities. Corruption is another major issue in the world things like crooked politicians, crooked cops etc. When you have politicians and police that are corrupt you have people with authority and power over people, whose agenda for things is bad. For example you have politicians who sometimes use their power for things that hurt us but benefit’s them financially or cops who let drug dealer’s deal but get some kind of profit from it. Slavery is also bad for this world because it forces people to do things that they really people don’t like to do. Let me tell you how I picture my perfect society. …show more content…

People would be treated better and more equally because with racism people are treated horrible among racist people. Hate crimes would be eliminated so that means no more racist cops killing minorities just because they have more power than. Them no groups like the Ku Klux Klan or the white supremacist killing or brutally beating up the minorities racism is a very bad thing and It needs to be fixed or our world will be a ugly place to live

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