Racial Tension In The Help Essay

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Life in Jackson, Mississippi during the 1960’s clearly wasn't an easy one for African Americans. With Kathryn Stockett novel “The Help” distinct depiction of the racial tension between white and black women. Along with the novel ultimately pushing the boundaries with its depiction and exploration of racial tension in Jackson, Mississippi during the 1960’s. This racial tension often portrayed as racism in the everyday social life in 1960s Jackson, Mississippi. From Jim Crow laws that led to discrimination and segregation to African Americans. To the casual conversations between the middle-class white women and their maids know as “the help”. Moreover with the way most of the white women treated their “help”. In which further goes to show the …show more content…

And at times these relationships can be become a little complex. Although in the case of racial tension there is nothing complex about how some of the even most casual conversation between the white women and their maids, with some of them being just down right racist at times. And with this racial tension being expressed in a restrained, but still racist manner, in which the maids had to unfortunately endure and have to not talk back to them for speaking to them or about them in such a horrible way to their maids. Although with most this conversation are commonly expressed by Hilly with many of the other white women seemingly following along or not saying anything at all. And there is numerous amount of times that Hilly express this especially amongst other white women such as when Hilly said, “All these houses they’re building without maid’s quarters? It's just plain dangerous. Everybody knows they carry different types of diseases than we do” (Stockett 10). And that just one of the numerous amounts of times that Hilly has openly expressed her opinion about African Americans being unclean and likely to carry more different and more contagious disease that they carry. As to this being yet another tension between white and black

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