Rabies And Anthrax Vaccines

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As the late 19th century progressed, technological ideas and inventions began to thrive. The notion that technology would impact life as we know it was an unbelievable idea to comprehend. People had no idea that something so simple such as the light bulb would become so vital to them and for century’s to come. Inventions such as, the typewriter, barbed wire, telephone, Kodak camera, and electric stove were created, however the major inventions created and use tremendously today are, Medicine, Electricity, and Transportation.
Medicine (vaccines).
A “vaccine” or otherwise known as a vaccination, is something that stimulates someone’s immune system from a disease. Vaccines can prevent infections and actually cause it to not re-occur again. The invention of the Rabies, and Anthrax vaccines not only saved life’s, but helped scientist conduct and produce more accurate and successful research. Discovered by Louis Pasteur, in 1882, the innovation of the rabies vaccine was invented. Rabies is a critical and sometimes fatal infection that one could get with coming in contact with a “rabid” or wild animal. When this virus enters the body and spreads, it travels slowly through all the nerves and all the way to the brain. Once it reaches the brain, it becomes fatal. The number of deaths due to rabies worldwide each year is approximately 55,000. However, due to the invention of the rabies vaccine, the number of fatalities and illnesses decreased by a substantial amount.

Louis Pasteur, in 1881, discovered the anthrax vaccine. Anthrax is an infection caused by many bacteria cells called “Bacillus”. These bacteria make “spores” which have a protective shell. This disease is most common in farm animals. They live in soil, and affect domestic a...

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...late 17th century, and beginning of the 18th century, transportation was favored by American society so much, the wealthier would hire chauffer’s to take people places. So not only did the motor produce a better and more efficient life style, it also created a huge business industry, as we know it today called, “valeting”. The actual motor worked like this. “Two cups filled with mercury would contain a magnet and a wire with one being fixed and the other free to move. Whenever a current was passed through the wire, the free moving magnet or wire would revolve around its fixed partner due to the electromagnet forces being produced.” (History of Innovation). This first motor was a prime example of the fact that movement could be created by electricity and electricity could be created by friction. This motor was the most useful and applicable invention in the 1800’s.

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