Quotes From 'Death To Mars'

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Overall, the script is structured around a unique idea, good humor and great perspective from a diverse group of characters throughout the narrative. The inclusion of such a wide range of personalities and satire political views when it comes to how to handle this unidentified "threat" that Mars now holds following the reanimation of the land rovers.

It also gives the script versatility and a strong sense of unpredictability that's entertaining for the reader/audience. The manipulation and filtered spin of the media on top of the power of social media as the news broke across the world felt realistic which strengthens the reader/audience's empathy toward Midge's character. Unlike the others whole were eager to gain awareness and social fame from the unexplained phenomenon and excitement, she was the only person who tried to take an objective and well-thought-out approach to the situation. …show more content…

It's on page 57 that reader/audience see the first signs of Midge attempting to reclaim control of her voice and Mars situation by using the very components that created the whole mess: pop culture and the media.

It's provoking to see the shift in Wayne's character when they're both on Buster Engram: Unchecked's show how Midge's verbalization of what the rest of the world has been spouting about Mars' destruction. As if at that moment the full effect of his actions and exploitation of his sister has finally forced him to realize just how much he has put into jeopardy. Although it is too late for either of them to prevent the launch of the rockets or alter what the rest of the world thinks, the situation has comically brought them closer

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