Quotes From Beowulf

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The Geats arrived at the lake in disgust to what they have found. Dark, dingy the water and surrounding land was burning, it felt like hell on earth. Into the water he swam after the beast.
“Where is he going?” shouted one soldier, “should we help The Leader of the Geats or wait for his return?”
“We will wait for him to resurface,” proclaimed Hrothgar.
It has been a day and a half since the Geats and Scyldings saw Beowulf. What if he died? What if he is hurt? Will he ever return?
“We should go down there Hrothgar, what if he needs our help.”
“He is the great Beowulf who bears the strength of thirty men. The great son of Ecgtheow has killed Grendel, he will return with the head of the beast’s mother as she took the life of our dear friend AEschere.” …show more content…

Another day had past and still nothing has changed, not a single soul has moved.
“He isn’t coming back... Hrothgar, we should return to Herot and move on with life in our village,” said the warrior. “What if Grendel’s mother lives on, we need to go protect ourselves from her great wrath.”
“We can’t leave I know he will return— I just know he will, he is the great Beowulf,” exclaimed the king of the Scyldings.
There, out in the distance arose air bubbles in the

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