Quitting Social Medi Video Analysis

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A recent video with the title “Why I REALLY am quitting social media” on YouTube hit two million views in just 24 hours. In the video, Essena O’Neill, an 18 years old model talks about her obsession with achieving a perfect body in the selfies she took on Instagram. She also stated the danger of the social media and appealed to people for taking a step away from the unreality of social media. This action had drawn people’s attention about the bad influences of social media. There is no denying that the development of smartphone and growing popularity of online photo-sharing platforms like Instagram and Snapchat allow posting selfies on internet become ubiquitous. However, this way of self-representation had largely influence people’s …show more content…

Selfie-taking on internet allow us to feel beloved in a sense of approbation, reassurance and existential clam. At the same time, Selfie-taking is often associated with narcissism and vanity. Narcissism is an extreme self-objectification and a grandiose view of oneself. It has an excessive need to be approved by others and have a sense of entitlement and lacking such need can often lead us to loneliness, resentment and lowered self-esteem. More severely, psychiatrist from American Psychiatric Association have confirmed that taking too many selfies is associated with a mental disorder called “selfitis”. It is a disorder as a type of an obsessive compulsive disorder to take one’s own pictures and post them on social media. () There was a recent case of a 19-year-old British teenager tried to commit suicide because he failed to take a perfect image of himself. In another word, he didn’t get approval from his misconception of reality. Recent study also showed that Body dysmorphic disorder has connection with selfies. According to Dr. David Veale, a psychiatrist at the South London suggests that taking too many selfies is a symptom of body dysmorphic disorder. Body dysmorphic is a mental disorder characterized by an obsessive preoccupation that some aspect of one’s own appearance is severely flowed and warrants exceptional measures to hide or fix it.

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