Questions and Answers: Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

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How does Algernon function as a symbol or alter-ego for Charlie?
Charlie, a thirty-two year old man with a mental condition was seen as fragile. To further his intelligence level, he attended the Beekman College center for retarded adults. His desired self was to become intelligent. “If the operation works good I’ll show that mouse I can be as smart as he is even smarter” (12). The opposite of the real Charlie possessed the traits of anti-socialism, intelligence, possessing motivation, and being opinionated. “This intelligence has driven a wedge between me and all the people I knew and loved, driven me out of the bakery. Now I’m more alone than ever before” (108). Charlie was not anti-social by choice, he was driven away as his intelligence level rose. Charlie became all he wanted to be and more. He desired to be intelligent that he may attain friends and show his parents and sister that he was not as he was as a child. “If the operashun werks and I get smart mabye Ill be abel to find my mom and dad and sister and show them” (12). Possessing motivation was an observation pointed o...

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