Quasi-Based Practice Plan Intervention Plan

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Begin with a brief description of your project that includes your clinical question, your planned intervention, the type of study you will conduct and how you plan to evaluate the outcomes. In adults with a new diagnosis of hyperlipidemia in the outpatient setting, what is the significance of receiving standardized education on the recommended amount of exercise and participating in exercise on cholesterol levels? The planned intervention is the development and initiation of a standardized twenty minute educational video on the proven duration and benefits of exercise. The development of the video will involve a core group of professionals that include selected patients, advanced practice providers, and physicians. Patients in the intervention group will …show more content…

Although randomized controlled trials (RCT) are often a gold standard for determining intervention effects, quasi-experimental study designs were developed to provide another means of examining causality in situations not favorable to experimental controls and when complete control of a study is not possible (Grove, Burns, & Gray, 2013). The reason that this design was selected for this evidence-based practice proposal is that complete control of the study is not possible, and also random assignment to the intervention group cannot be accomplished due to the fact that not all patients may be willing to incorporate exercise into their weekly routine. A quasi-experimental design is more practical since the setting is multiple outpatient offices, which will study an intervention applied under real world circumstances and individual-level RCT designs are not suitable. The outcomes will be evaluated by obtaining baseline data on each study participant by collecting a fasting lipid panel. At the end of the study, another fasting lipid panel will be obtained to measure the change from the pre and post blood

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