Qualities Of An American Hero Essay

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What qualities make a veteran and American Hero? A person that has earned the title of veteran is an American Hero, simple as that. The top three qualities that stand out to me when reflecting on veterans are selflessness, courage, and commitment. I come from a long line of military veterans on all sides of my family. Writing this essay is very easy when I think about those family members. However, the most important point of this essay is to address how ALL Americans should recognize our veterans as being our real life super heroes. What they do for us as civilians is, in my opinion, the definition of heroism. Veterans don’t stop giving of themselves when their service is done. The AMVETS and other veteran organizations continue to give back by volunteering, helping those in need, and of course, providing scholarship opportunities like this one. Selflessness is a quality that isn’t a natural human characteristic. Being able to put others before yourself is noble. Most would say that they would put themselves in danger to save another but acting in that position is a heroic act. The sacrifices that our military service …show more content…

They see themselves as soldiers carrying out a mission that they were called to complete to defend our country. To them, they can’t imagine that anyone else would not do the same. I have never seen my uncle so upset as the day he was told “Happy Veteran’s Day”. Most of what he recalls were not “happy” memories. He would get so aggravated that most Americans do not know the significance and the difference between Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day. These are just a couple of examples of how nonveterans can educate themselves so that we are able to honor and thank our veterans properly. A simple “thank you for your service” is really all they expect. Taking care of our veterans and their families is our duty as a country. They ARE our American

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