Qualitative Research In Health And Social Care

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For my research I’m going to use primary data, secondary data, quantitative and qualitative research methods. As my research field is healthcare I’m going to conduct a review of work regarding it.

According to primary research methods I will collect data directly from staff, service users, managers, service user’s relatives and etc.

As I have previous experience in health care field it will easy for me to observe them because I have basic knowledge how staff and service users react to particular situations and I know how they behave when they are carrying out their jobs.

I will gather my primary data through;

• Interview
• observation

From collecting primary data; it will enable me to collect;

1. Basic data,
2. Un biased information, …show more content…

• Collect data through random sample, which allows me to generalize to the population under consideration.
• Also it will allow me to make judgments. TRIANGULATION

If I use only one research method may be it will adversely affect the reliability and validity of the results. But for my research I’m using combination methods such as; primary, secondary and qualitative and quantitative. It will enable me to compare and cross-check the data. My research conclusions and recommendations, will not lead to doubts because as using secondary research it will prove to me my set of data that has been collected for some other research purpose also.

I will collect my data from interviews and questionnaires, reinforced it by observations and checked it through documentary analysis. As a result of this I will be able to collect what people say, they do and what I see them doing but also what they are recorded as doing. (Kane, 1985)

I’m going to use both Quantitative and Qualitative research method for my research. I will give out a questionnaire (quantitative) to gather statistical data about responses, and then back this up and research in more depth by interviewing (qualitative) selected number of …show more content…

Structured interviews – This also similar to a self-completion questionnaire, but I will be asking questions from staff.

Structured observation – I will be monitoring service users and staff systematically their behavior and record it. Before the monitoring I will inform them what exactly I’m going to observed and how I’m going to recorded these observations.
In depth interviews – I will be asking questions from staff and this will allow staff to take more control of the interview. My aim is to explore the staff’s feelings about problems they are facing and my interview questions will be very informal. I will protect confidentiality.
Focus Groups – I will be meeting staff as a group and collect data from them as a group or joint meaning.
Participant observation – I will be monitoring service users and staff on the floor and I will connect with them directly and gather data in a systematic manner. I will observe their behavior, listen to their discussions and ask questions.

I intends to use as a sample, staff and service users who live and work in a registered care home based in North London. This care home registered under CQC (Care Quality

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