Pyramids Essay

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Introduction “Fundamental geometric forms, they are among the earliest colossal structures. Whether built by ancient Egyptians or by the indigenous civilizations of pre-Columbian America, they express in stone the idea of mightiness, earthbound but reaching toward the heavens.” The pyramid is a solid structure that has a polygon base and lateral sides of triangular faces that join at a point. There are many pyramids all around the world, some we know a great deal about, but most we hardly know anything about. The pyramids are a mysterious arrangement. Scientists are constantly wondering about how these pyramids were build, either by clay and mud, bricks or stone. But the big question is why. Why was all these pyramids built, what is there purpose? How were these ancient people able to construct these massive formations? Why should these mystical structures be researched? The ancient civilizations did not have heavy equipment like we do today that we use to move mountains, and today we are not able to recreate these pyramids, or even just to move one stone. Pyramids were great structures used to house the dead of powerful people. Most pyramids have traps to confuse or even cause a grave robber to be trapped there. Some believe that the pyramids have been cursed. How is it that today our structures last 50 to maybe 100 years, but ancient civilizations were able to construct massive structures that we are unable to replicate, and they still stand thousands of years later? Ancient worlds did not have the wheel, or vehicles, or the distractions that we have today. They were able to build anything they laid their minds to, day in and day out. No slave worked on building the pyramids. The citizens worked eight hour days, seven d... ... middle of paper ..., metal contraptions, and even a statue that held a crystal that enclosed smaller pyramids. I. Conclusion How were the pyramids that cover the landscapes of many different ancient worlds really built? Did they have the help of the likes of extraterrestrials and gravity defying instruments? We may never know the meaning behind these marvelous structures or why they were constructed in the place. But one thing is for certain, these structures will continue to amaze and open minds to the unknown realms. The ancient people had all the time in the world to think and create, they made temples, religions, and beautiful art works. The ancient people did not have the detractions that we have today. The ancient people were highly intelligent and Intune with their environments, they used this to their advantage to be creative and use their imaginations to the fullest.

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