Pursuing Your Literacy Skills Essay

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My generation, the iGens, isn’t ever away from technology, consequently, we aren’t as excelled as past generations. In my essay I will talk about mastering literacy skills. First, I will say what mastered literacy skills should look like. Then I will say three reasons why advancing my literacy skills is important to me. Lastly, I will talk about how if I do master my literacy skills, how would it impact my life? In this paragraph I am talking about what mastery literacy skills should look like. Ordinarily the iGens pay attention to technology rather than reading and don’t have the literacy skills that they should. To have mastered your literacy skills you would have to be grammatically correct. You would need to know how to write sentences correctly and speak correctly as well. Reading fluently is also one of the main ways to get better literacy skills. Another thing is you need to know all the details to be correct. Mastering your literacy skills you would really need to focus and pay attention in class and maybe even do extra, out of class. …show more content…

One of the reasons is that in my future, I want to get a good job. If I want that then I would need a good resume, meaning I would need to be grammatically correct or, consequently, I would not get that job from childish errors. A second reasons is so I could have great grades. I strive to get the best grades I can and advancing my literacy skills would help my grade get better. The last reason is because I want to go a favorable college. These are things that I strive for in life. I hope other people in the iGen generation think the

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