Psychosocial Health Goals

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Most definitely, as a PTA, I will have an impact on the psychosocial health of my patients. This will manifest in a variety of ways. From the general education I will provide to my patients to the legal obligation I, as healthcare worker, have to report suspected child abuse and everything in between, I will, without a doubt, affect my patient’s psychosocial health. As therapists, everything we do can either impact our patients negatively or positively. It is my goal to only affect my patients in positive ways.
A patient may be seen for physical therapy during various stages of the healing process. No matter the disease, disorder, or dysfunction that they suffer from, it is my job as a therapist to make them comfortable, reduce their pain, and to help them heal. Each of those things has a mental component too, as we all know our physical health goes hand in hand with our mental health. I can help to reach those goals by being polite and attentive. Simply listening to my patient, and having a pleasant interaction can make them feel valued and cared for. A smile may provide that extra motivation …show more content…

Therapeutic touch can help a patient relax and feel connected to their therapist. Maybe that will be the thing that makes my patient be more compliant. If they feel that we are in this therapy thing together then just maybe they will do their home exercise program. We know that exercise will make patients stronger and help them become more functional, but it will also help to improve their mood and therefore benefit their mental health as well! As discussed in the text book, a patient who is recovering from addiction, would benefit from practicing life skills like, setting boundaries, tolerating frustration, and regulating emotion. If I provide that safe place for my patient during therapy, they will continue down the road to

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