Psychology Career Goals

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At FIU, I plan on majoring in Psychology. After obtaining my bachelor's degree, I hope to pursue my love of Psychology in graduate school and eventually work with children and teens enduring difficult situations. I want to be the person that gives them hope, guidance, and support through their early and most critical developmental stages of life. In addition, my Sophomore year in college I plan on joining the Air Force ROTC program that FIU offers at the University of Miami. Upon completing that, I hope to be apart of the Air Force Reserve. I want to be able to serve my country, while achieving my dream job and the Reserve will allow me to do so. One career goal that I am positive I will accomplish is that I will help people in some shape or form. This is vague, but it has and always will be rejuvenating seeing people happy because of something I assisted them with.
While I want to study more about how the brain works, I am also intrigued by Criminal Justice. When I discovered Criminological Psychology as a growing profession, I was immediately compelled to do more research. I am exploring this as an option if I do not end up working with children and adolescents. I am open-minded about different potential career options, but my career goals remain the same: I want to work in the field of Psychology as well as help people. …show more content…

Education is something I highly value and I do believe that my grades show it. I have received high honors every quarter for all four years of high school. In addition, I have challenged myself with rigorous coursework, including all honors classes and several AP classes, that have prepared me for what college expectations will be similar to. Even though my SAT scores did not meet the requirement for FIU’s admission into the fall term, I believe that my grades for all four years of high school and my class rank of 14/348 students has proven my dedication toward

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