Pros And Cons Of Pablo Escobars

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Do sport and recreational organizations have the moral responsibility to monitor the means for which their funding is obtained? The pro side of this argument believes that they should not continue to receive funding from unethical sources. The con side of this argument believes that funding should not be withheld or turned away because of the source it is generated from. The Two Escobars is the perfect mediator to explain both sides of the story going on in Columbia during the 80’s and 90’s. Testimonies from the family of Pablo show how he began in the lowest slum and was only able to make his way out of that world by drug cartel affiliation. His work moving 80% of the international cocaine trade caused him to gain massive control over the …show more content…

Articles 12 in the Declaration of Human Rights expresses that, “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks” (UN General Assemble 1948). Looking into the private life of Pablo Escobar and slandering the philanthropic motive that he has violates his right to privacy and reputation. When we investigate Article 27 we find that Escobar and the citizens of the Columbian slums have, “the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits” (UN General Assemble 1948). Denying the funding that comes in from Escobar would be depriving not only Escobar from his right to participate in the cultural life of his community, but it would also infringe on the rights of the citizens to enjoy the arts and share in the benefits that could come from these advancements in their …show more content…

The crime rate was at the highest in the world during the reign of Escobar’s cartel (Zimbalist, J. & Zimbalist M. 2010). Tearing down a community for your own benefit and monetary gain can not be ignored just because you decide to give back a little to the community. The harm would never be done in the first place and the community could try to advance itself on it’s own if it did not have the hardships that come with a country being practically run by a

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