Pros And Cons Of Killing Caesar

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Brutus and Cassius both had the same thoughts above Caesar becoming a tyrant, but did they overreact in this assumption that Caesar could go crazy and be overtaking with power? In my opinion, yes, they did overreact. They had no idea what could have happened if he became king of Rome. These are just a few points of Brutus and Cassius reacting very irrationally. Both Brutus and Cassius came up with their “evidence” on their own. They had no proof of what would have happened if he were crowned as king. Based off of only their own experience caused them to make such rash decisions. If they were to talk between other people about this issue, then maybe they would not make decisions like killing Caesar. There were many other solutions to this situation besides killing Caesar, this is an obvious example of how they overreacted. They could have spent more time planning a well thought out plan to prevent Caesar from becoming king. They could have talked him out of becoming king with flattery, since he is easily persuaded. …show more content…

He planned everything almost on his own and Cassius just went along with it. Even though Brutus is mostly held responsible for what happened, Cassius was also in on it too. They should have had someone legally experienced for this kind of thing. I think this would have changed the outcome in a very positive way. The death of Caesar was for the sake of Rome, but did Brutus put his country’s needs before his own? This may be caused by Brutus’ lack of knowledge about his thought of Caesar becoming king. He is manipulated himself into thinking Caesar will become a tyrant and be the downfall of

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