Were the Conspirators Right to Murder Julius Caesar?

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Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) was one of the most outstanding leaders in history. He was the first ruler of the Romano-Hellenic civilization and achieved his goals with great success throughout his life of 56 years. He was assassinated by the conspirators, who accused him for practicing tyranny. This essay will discuss whether it was right for the conspirators to murder Caesar and what its consequences were.

The conspirators were wrong to kill Julius Caesar because he contributed to the upturn and reformation of Rome into an orderly state. Caesar reformed Rome and prevented Rome from demolition. For instance, Caesar "reorganized the town governments in Italy, reformed the courts, planned to codify the law to improve administration. Besides that, Caesar brought peace and stability to Rome. Evidently, Caesar successfully stopped the civil wars in 45 BC. This allowed the Romans to live in harmony and collaborate on improving their country. It appears that Caesar's death marked an epoch in Roman history where civil wars were once again resurrected. Furthermore, Caesar introduced social and economic reforms. In his process of ameliorating Rome's social condition, the provinces became richer as the Roman businessmen were restricted from exploiting them. This is crucial because a country's capital is strongly related to the government's stability. Besides that, the poor were helped when he established a public works programme, which provided employment to them. Clearly, Caesar contributed significantly to preventing the destruction of Rome and therefore, he should not have been assassinated by the conspirators.

Caesar should not be assassinated by the conspirators because they had personal reasons for hating him. Firstly, ...

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...for the Romans. Besides that, he conquered Gaul (modern France) and defeated his rival Pompey in the civil war of 49-45 BC. By doing so, he managed to bring peace to Rome and also expanded Rome's provinces. Caesar proved himself as a potential leader, whom the Romans agreed after the conspirators killed him.

In conclusion, it is clear that the conspirators made a wrong decision to assassinate Caesar because of the following reasons: Caesar recreated Rome, conspirators had personal motives in his assassination, he did not force the Romans to give him honours, the conspirators' failure in gaining freedom for the Romans, Caesar's position as the Chief Priest, monarchy was the best government available, the conspirators' wrong judgement in killing Caesar, and Caesar was a consummate statesman. Caesar's death caused cataclysm in Rome and made the Romans suffered more.

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