Pros And Cons Of Edward House Agendas

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In the 1916 presidential election, House (lowered in number/got worse/gotten worse) any public role but was Wilson's top campaign advisor: "He planned its structure; set its tone; guided its finance; chose speakers, strategies, and (success plan(s)/way(s) of reaching goals); and, not least, handled the campaign's greatest valuable thing and greatest potential (something you owe/something you're responsible for/disadvantage): its brilliant but moody candidate." was a powerful American peacekeeper, politician, and advisor to President Woodrow Wilson. In 1919 Wilson, suffering from a series of small strokes, broke with House and many other top advisors, believing they had lied to him at Paris.
As I read a few of books, and other resources about …show more content…

Here are some examples and proof that today Edward House agendas are in effect pertaining disasters from H.A.A.R.P, scientist, Michio Kaku stated having control, weaponizing our weather.He just said alleged which we all know is bull crap. Read between the lines, body posture, voice of hesitation of people etc.look beyong the sheeps in line. Its happening now,theyre not going to tell the world because it’s another way of keeping us under control and scared so when the day comes we will be weak from all the disasters of lots of people dying etc. and easily willing to follow their “new world” order without a fight. To the weird crazy deseases(Ebola, Zika), to what they use as vaccines(causing autism and so forth), to voting. Now, Im going to focus on voting and Zika. First, Fair Vote, a company that leads the fight for electoral reform in the U.S., points out: "The right to vote is the foundation of any (system or country where leaders are chosen by votes). Yet most Americans do not (understand/make real/achieve) that we do not have an (in a way that agrees with or is related to the Constitution) protected right to vote. While there are changes to the U.S. Constitution that prohibit (unfair treatment based on skin color, age, etc.) based on race (15th), sex (19th) and age (26th), no

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