Pros And Cons Of Dalai Lama

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approved by the Chinese government. This did not stop the Dalai lama as he released a statement saying only he has the authority to decide how and where his reincarnation shall take place. "I will leave clear written instructions about this. Bear in mind that, apart from the reincarnation recognized through such legitimate methods, no recognition or acceptance should be given to a candidate chosen for political ends by anyone, including those in the People's Republic of China," the Dalai Lama stated (International Business Times). In September 2007, China’s
Premier, Wen Jiabao, made an announcement that the Chinese government must approve all high monks being appointed, this includes the 15th Dalai Lama. "Such brazen meddling contradicts their own political ideology and reveals their double standards. Should this situation continue in the future, it will be impossible for Tibetans and those who follow the Tibetan Buddhist tradition to acknowledge or accept it. Reincarnation is a phenomenon which should take place either through the voluntary choice of the concerned person or at least on the strength of his or her karma, merit, and prayers. It is a reality that no one else can force the person concerned, or manipulate him or her. When I am about 90 I will consult the high Lamas of the Tibetan Buddhist traditions, the Tibetan public, and other concerned people who follow Tibetan …show more content…

The Chinese appointed Panchen Lama is now coming into the spotlight. Loyal to the Chinese state, the 26-year-old Buddhist monk is being forced on Tibetan citizens as a substitution for the Dalai Lama. China claims that the Dalai Lama is just a “wolf in monk’s clothing,” for trying to divide Tibet from its motherland. The Chinese Panchen Lama will play a key role in Chinas efforts to replace the Dalai Lama once he is deceased with a communist party friendly monk. The Chinese appointed Lama, Gyaltsen Norbu, has been visiting

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