Pros And Cons Of Being An American Essay

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First, if the media allowed for Americans to see more international news, I believe that the world would be different. America would appreciate that other countries make us a great country. When looking at Figure.3, I thought it would be great to know that America owes foreigners about $4.5 trillion in debt. This would let Americans know that we are not making this nation a better place by ourselves. This would probably make Americans get off their butts and try to build something that is American, rather than always buying from foreign and making them work for our needs.
Secondly, it would be great if America gave other countries the right to see the pros and cons of being an American. Many of the Africans would understand that African Americans within the U.S. are not all lazy and self-centered. Many students from Brazil, Asia, Jamaica and many other countries would see America for what it truly is and understand that if they plan coming here, things would not be as easy, but there are still benefits to living in America. Also, they would understand that America is not based on equality and opportunity all the time. Sometimes, America is based on money, power, bragging rights and status. …show more content…

How can we say that we are a great country and believe in equally, but when we look at television and advertising boards we see majority Caucasians. On, I found out that within the United States television shows 50% of characters are white males, 5% black males, and 1.9% Asian or Hispanics males. When it comes to women, there is 34% white women, 3.8 black women, and 3.8 Asian and Hispanic women. So when adding up the statistics, the world sees 84% of the Caucasian race within television. The United States needs to show the world that we have a problem within race and ask how we can make our world more diverse within the

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