Understanding the Green Card: Path to US Citizenship

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This is a document that determines if you are allowed to remain in a country on a permanent basis. It is called a “Permanent Resident Card,“ or an “Alien Registration Card, or a “Green Card.” Unless you are able to derive/acquire citizenship from your parents, or unless you are willing to cheat (methods listed below), you will have to apply for a green card. A green card allows you to become a permanent or semi-permanent US citizen. If you have a green card, you may apply to become a full US citizen via the process of naturalization.

The Shortcuts To Becoming A US Citizen

These methods are risky, but are commonly used by unscrupulous people to become US citizens quickly.

[+] Enter the country with no papers and claim you cannot remember …show more content…

For example, there are large Mexican groups that come together to sponsor other Mexican illegal immigrants to become citizens. There are also universities in Mexico that teach people how to become US citizens.

Another sneaky method of becoming a citizen is to pass Muslim Sharia law amendments to the US constitution, such as the amendments proposed in Alabama. Such measures may allow men to grant citizenship to their wives and daughters by claiming they are owned by the man, or by claiming they would be unable to survive without him (which is true in countries that have Sharia law).

Born To Become A US Citizen

If you are born in the United States, or if you are born in certain US territories, or you are born subject to the jurisdiction of the US government, then you may become a citizen automatically so long as your birth is registered and the location of your birth is registered correctly.

[+] A US Embassy is not part of the US and so does not count either because it is only American diplomatically.

[+] A US military base that is not on US soil does not count either with a few minor exceptions for special

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