Alien Abductions: Reality or Delusions? Some people believe we are not alone in the wide variety of planets, stars, and the solar system next door to us. Believing we aren’t the only ones stuck in space, but having more power than us where they might watch over us. The strong belief created a phenomenon more than the sci-fi culture itself; government cover-ups can’t hide these visitors anymore. When you think of the word ‘alien’ you may think of bobbled head cartoons, like the Martian from Looney Tunes and E.T, or you may think of psychotic extraterrestrial beings out to dissect your body. The alien obsessed subculture of sci-fi has taken over our minds; literally and metaphorically. People hold conventions for these worldly creatures hoping to meet them one day, but then there’s some people wearing tin foil hats preparing for their attack. In 1952, George Adamski admitted to dreaming and looking …show more content…
daily at night through his telescopes trying to find an alien after he encountered on. During this event, he exchanged information about why the alien came as he went in and out of the space craft (Fitzgerald 128). But Antonio Villas claimed he was seduced by a beautiful alien woman into her space craft, along with Mrs. Patty Price and two of her six children. They were soon awoken by alien intruders who “took their thoughts” and putting probes into their body as they told them they abducted them for information and a better understanding (Fitzgerald 143). This shows that the two sides with abductions/aliens won’t always be as kind. Since it’s believed that they have other worldly powers before humans ever evolved to fit plant Earth. As far back as 1500 B.C flying saucers have been reported and thought to be part of leaving structures like the pyramids. Aime Michel, mathematician and engineer, says the saucers translate into four mysteries: violating the law of mass, resistance to intense heat, no noise of movement, and how they alter shape and form (Fitzgerald 65). We have to see the bigger picture since there’s planets able to inhabit life, maybe not ours, but we also can’t believe it’s just us in space. Yet, Martin Gardner predicts that the “saucer craze” will be replaced by other phenomena’s for public fascina-tion. Being that most of the reports of UFO’s are only misidentifications of skyhook balloons (Fitzgerald 155). We stay up hours on our hobbies and pursuits the same way people will do when it comes to aliens. Bryan, a well-regarded journalist and skeptic to this belief, notes how we should take alien abductions seriously and have their study be worthwhile; whether to prove they are real or not. He states, “absent of evidence is real. It is the evidence of failure,” implying how he is not a firm believer doesn’t mean he didn’t try to look for it to be real (Alder 5). These skeptics have questions, it’s in their nature, but they are supported by facts. And being that 90 percent of the adult population, when thinking of aliens/flying saucers, they think it’s only illusions, hoaxes, or secret military weapons (Jacobs 41). Though these skeptics may have certain points in their reasons, some can be quick to label the unexplained calling their opponents with suffering from a disorder like sleep paralysis.
A disorder where a person is awake and cannot move, they will feel fear because of a sense in a presence in the room or they may hear humming/buzzing. Sleep paralysis is thought to underline most common myths like a witch or hag riding in England. Nearly four million have claimed to have certain “indicator” experiences by being abducted by an alien (Blackmore 3). Though we have this knowledge, it cannot prove that there is no real alien abductions, but maybe some being the abductees are “ill” caused by their own mental delusions. The unexplained have been adored and admired for decades appearing fascinating. Yet there still will always be someone to disapprove of them or try and cover them up, but not all secrets can be kept hidden. Whether the aliens will come to us or we will come to them in the end; believing we are not the only ones stuck in the variety of stars and planets in outer
All of these definitions are exact and significant to this research because sometimes it is obvious people are unaware of the true meanings of these words. The meanings of extraterrestrials and aliens have been commonly misinterpreted. An extraterrestrial is something, living or nonliving, which is not from earth, while an alien can be something from earth, but is not native to its surroundings. An unidentified flying object is something that has never been officially recorded. In this case, the witnesses refer to th...
Is there life out there in the great beyond? It is a question that many of us have asked, but there is no real answer, no tangible evidence to validate the existence of other intelligent beings. All we have are so-called experiences that earthly people have had with these beings, like me. I remember, as a child, I stayed awake late one night. I was lying in bed admiring the stars outside my window when I saw a bright light in the distance. It moved in impossible ways I could not explain, even to this day. It was only for a moment, but the memory of this unexplainable phenomena has stayed with me ever since. If there are other intelligent beings like us living in distant worlds, how do we explain their standing in religious history? Are they gods or angels? Are they our creators? In decades past, people who claim to have had ufological experiences have banded together to create religious societies in their quest to become closer to extraterrestrial life. While all of these societies support different views on UFOs and religion, all have one common belief – there is life out there and they are real and powerful beings far more advanced than humans in technology and psychic abilities. Throughout this research paper, I will establish how some of these religious societies were formed, and describe in detail how their belief system works and why they are considered religious in nature.
Williams, Yona. "Latest Articles UFO and Fallen Angels Simply Unexplainable Information and Theories Ghost And Demons Space and Astrology Technology Articles Religion Articles NASA Articles Meditation And Spirituality Personal Accounts Self Improvement Mars Coverage Pictures And Multimedia Other Exciting News Unexplainable Video Library Ancient Civilizations Unexplainable Weather Political Conspiracies Cryptology and Monsters Mysteries True Stories Eating Healthy Benjamin Fulford Story." 9 Facts About Voodoo. N.p., 17 June 2009. Web. 21 Apr. 2014.
Throughout the years, there have been a plethora of alien and U.F.O sightings—not just by those crazy hippies in the streets. Included in her own personal story about abduction, Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera shares that she isn’t the only well respected public figure to have experienced these encounters. She further includes the names of former U.S. presidents, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan, in the list of those who have had similar situations with extraterrestrial beings. For those having a hard time believing due to their faith, the Vatican has publicly addressed the issue in recent years. In a 2008 interview with the Director of the Vatican Observatory, Fr. Jose Gabriel Funes, he states that, “there could be other beings…created by God” (Milligan). Whether a firm believer in God or celebrities, aliens pay no mind to the type of people they
Before I had ever heard of this book I had a great curiosity and passion about aliens and the "untold history of mankind." I was hooked before I opened the front cover; I didn't care what kind of credentials this author had. The only thing that bugged me was the age of this book. Published in 1968 left me a little worried, hoping this book wouldn't be too outdated. The speculation and theories are what interest me and that's exactly what this book is all about. Throughout the whole book the author is keenly aware that his explanations and ideas are constantly and will continually be discredited by professionals acros...
For over a thousand years people have reported seeing strange objects flying in the sky. Today the unknown flying objects -UFOs continue to visit us, on a regular basis. A large amount of recorded historical events of this issue have taken place to give the subject of UFOs recognition. Recently, many individuals have claimed to witness or be part of fantastic stories that attract some while are turned away. Videotapes, photographs and pieces of physical evidence do support some of these stories. Even more frightening, small objects called implants have been found in the bodies of some people that have reported strange sightings or encounters with strange objects. Once one begins to put it all together, the history, stories, claims, and evidence that science is to studying, the truth has come clear. We are not alone aliens do exist!
We may never know what lays beyond our night sky. It may be nothing, or our Government may be hiding everything from us, perhaps our President is behind these cases as well. This is the mystery that will trouble us for generations, but using evidence such as the LA shooting back in World War II, It is easy to gleam that: Aliens, Do, Exist.
Arousal disorders are the most common type of parasomnia. These disorders include: confusional arousals, sleepwalking, sleep terrors and nightmares. Experts believe that each is related and share some symptoms. Essentially, they occur because a person is in a mixed state of being both asleep and awake, generally coming from the deepest stage of non-dreaming sleep. The individual is awake enough to act out complex behaviors, but asleep enough not to be aware of or remember them.
Imagine a quiet night with nothing but the sound of your friends’ laughter and the soft crackle of a campfire. All around you is darkness lit only by the moon and stars. Now imagine a bright light beaming down on you from above. The next thing you remember is waking up from a daze next to your friend, unable to explain what just happened. This is just one of many examples of what many people call alien abduction experiences. Despite the hundreds and thousands of people who have claimed similar abductions, scientists and skeptics still attempt to answer this mystery with more earthly explanations. Even though many people claim very similar alien abductions, researchers can reasonably explain this phenomenon.
There are numerous of different movies, books, and TV shows on how humans think aliens interact, look similar to, and what the media portrays aliens to be like. Occasionally, most will stumble across news articles with a variety of related headings about aliens, UFO’s, or recent known abduction stories. Every person has their own theories and or thoughts on these basic questions: do aliens exist? Could the government be covering up real life “space ships” or encounters? Countless folks have claimed to witness or have fanciful stories that have fascinated countless while several others are turned away. There are Videos, pictures and pieces of physical evidence to support nearly all of these stories. Even more alarming,
Sleep paralysis is characterized by the body and musculature being rendered completely immobile as a result of REM (rapid-eye movement) atonia. During this REM stage, people may experience dream-like images and perceptions. A common entity that people perceive is something similar to a demonic entity. People who suffer from sleep paralysis feel trapped, they are unable to scream or move their body while seeing a demonic entity as they are unconscious or semiconscious (Mental Health Daily).
Earth; our home and sanctuary. It is the only place our human civilization has ever lived on. Every single human to have ever existed has been restricted to life on this planet. In a universe filled with wonder and unknown, we feel so alone. Space is so unimaginably big, yet we have been confined within Earth’s atmosphere since our existence began, with no knowledge of what is really out there in the great depths of space. For so long, we have felt so alone with so many questions left unanswered. Curiosity is a characteristic of the human mind that we all share, and, since the creation of technology, we have been seeking answers to our astrobiological questions. Finally, we are able to scratch the surface, thanks to our technological advancements. But everything we have done is just that; scratching the surface. We must push ourselves to conduct more research, to reach out farther than we ever have, so that we may ultimately gain not only answers to
Diagnosis through interviews are of little benefit as individuals rarely have any recollection of the activity that occurred during the episode (Gilles, 2003). According to the diagnostic criteria for sleepwalking disorder, an individual must experience a significant social or occupational impairment connected to the sleepwalking in order for a diagnosis of sleepwalking disorder to be made (Gilles, 2003). The diagnosis criteria also requires that the patient be checked to show no signs of dementia or other physical disorders (Szelenberger, 2005). Sleepwalking disorder can also be difficult to distinguish from sleep terrors, as both disorders involve motor movement, difficulty awakening, and the patient has no recollection of the event afterwards (Gilles, 2003). The main distinction between the two is that someone with sleep terror disorder will show signs of intense fear and panic through their behavior, such as screaming (Gilles, 2003). An accurate method for diagnosing sleepwalking disorder is through polysomnography, a technique that involves monitoring brain wave activity, breathing, heart rate and other vital signs by connecting electrodes to different parts of the body while the patient is asleep (Gilles,
If there are 100 billion sun-like stars in the galaxy, and 100 billion galaxies in the Universe, there may be 10 billion trillion planets that could possibly support life. Earth can’t be the only one lucky enough to do so, or could it? To some people, they believe aliens do exist, and that our nation knows more about them than they think we do. For example, on June 14th 1947 Roswell, New Mexico became known for the Roswell UFO Incident. Years ago, there was a UFO that crashed down.
Ever since I can remember, I had always marveled at what was beyond the capacity of many to understand. No, not politicians. I mean an existing plane beyond the one we are physically constricted to; the far reaches of our universe. I recall when I was a very young, how I could gaze up at the constellations. I was completely dumbfounded by how there possibly could be all of those mysterious lights dotting the pitch black night sky. How could these luminous orbs be, in fact, farther than I could ever travel in my lifespan. As I lay upon the grass looking up into the sky, I knew that I was destined to do something to improve our scope of understanding the “final frontier.”