Prophecy In The Lightning Thief And The Myth Of Cronus

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In “The Myth of Cronus”, after Cronos overthrew his dad he was given a prophecy that his children would overthrow him. To try and dodge his fate, he swallowed his children, but despite his best efforts, he was overthrown by his son Zeus. In both The Lightning Thief and “The Myth of Cronus”, fates are given that can not be avoided. In The Lightning Thief, Percy is given a prophecy that he will be betrayed. In “The Myth of Cronus”, Cronus is given a prophecy that says he will be dethroned. Both prophecies finalize as inevitable. Both the novel Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief, and “The Myth of Cronus” communicate the idea that despite the greatest efforts, fates and prophecies can not be avoided.

In “The Myth of Cronus” one evident …show more content…

This is a similarly evident theme in the novel The Lightning Thief. When Chiron tells Percy that he must go see the Oracle to receive his prophecy, Percy hesitates but, as usual, a prophecy can not be avoided. And as shown in the novel, the giving of prophecies is included. After the Oracle told Percy his fate, he hesitated then realized what had just been said. He launched back at the Oracle scrambling and hoping to find the silver-lining in his seemingly negative fate. “And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end. The figures began to dissolve. At first I was too stunned to say anything, but as the mist retreated... I cried, "wait! What do you mean? What friend? What will I fail to save?" Percy was afraid of the last line of the prophecy he was given, “and you shall fail to save what matters most.” He tried to get more information and a deeper, and complete understanding but the Oracle had retreated and his time/audience with it was over. As it relates to the common theme that is presented in both The Lightning Thief and “The Myth of Cronus”, in fear of his fate, Percy scrambles for a deeper understanding, and fails in doing so. In that sense, Percy fails to understand and is left in fear and secrecy at the end of the

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