Promoting a Package For a Newly Formed Company

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Promoting a Package For a Newly Formed Company

My objective is to promote a package for a newly formed company. I

will be producing a handbags company, which will be called 'Noble &

Wild'. What inspired me to choose a handbag company was actually my

father. This is because he used to have a business in that trade. My

company will be world-wide, which will attract the young female group

aged between 18-30, as the bags produced will be used as a fashion


I will produce designs for:

Ø A logo for the company

Ø A suitable business card

Ø A appropriate letter head

Ø A introductory leaflet to show the client what services the company


Logo research

[IMAGE]This logo has not got a border around it, but it still looks

Neatly presented. There is a bright colour used for the

Font, which catches your attention. Aswell as a name

Used there is also an image included in the logo. I

Personally do not like the colour used for the font, as it

Is too bright.


This logo has a very dark background. The font used in this logo is

curved and really thin. It is a really basic colour, which contrasts

well with the background. It is neatly presented. I like the idea of

the border around the logo, which keeps the name of the company in


[IMAGE]This logo is completely different from the other logos

that I have chosen. There is different size fonts used

which immediately attracts your view. The colours

used are basic and plain, but it still makes the logo

stand out due to the font. There is no border around

the logo to keep it in place, which makes the logo

look free.


This logo is very bright. There are three colours used

which are: red, white and yellow. The logo has a border

which makes the logo stay together. Aswell as the

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