In my setting we have different strategies in promoting positive behaviour in children and young people. We try to promote positive behaviour as much as we can, to the best of our ability and to we try to adapt positive behaviour to the child’s individual needs. Our main strategy we use to promote positive behaviour is praise. When praising the children I try to make it as big of a deal as possible. For example if a child who doesn’t take to kindly to sharing, shares a toy with another child, when I have spotted the behaviour I empathies the child’s behaviour. “Good sharing Jimmy, well done!” being said at a volume that the whole room can hear to state the good behaviour. By doing this all the children will stop to think about what Jimmy is …show more content…
getting the attention for and may then imitate the positive behaviour. I feel this is a good strategy as in that moments of time I have stated what the good behaviour is and I am making the behaviour into a big deal making the child almost centre of attention. Verbal praise is a type of positive attitude towards those who feel better being told when they have done something right. Another strategy I use is I like to use stickers to promote good behaviour alongside stating when a good behaviour has been performed. I mainly use stickers when I’m dealing with children who find positive behaviour more of a challenge than others. I feel this is a good way of promoting good behaviour as those who find positive behaviour a challenge have something to show for a good behaviour and can feel proud and show off their sticker. Stickers are a good source of positive attitude for the child, as it’s a physical reward they can show off meaning for example, that sticker would make them remember the good behaviour. It also gives the child an outlook in looking at the sticker and knowing they done something positive leading them and the practitioner to have a positive attitude. I feel that when I praise a child or reward a child for their behaviour it is very effective as it makes the child feel better about them and it builds up their self-esteem and confidence.
When I praise a child for their positive behaviour I feel that it is a positive contribution for the child and so it allows the child to tell their parents/carers how proud everyone was for the behaviour or activity that child had done. It also gives the child a sense of achievement and it allows the child to not only feel proud but it also allows the team, the child’s parents and the child’s peers to be proud of that child too. My ways of promoting positive behaviour also helps the child with their developmental needs. For example a child may not be very good at sharing or playing with other children however when praising the child for their behaviour its reinforcing it and so it will later on help the child’s personal, social and emotional development too. It will help the child personally by understanding what good behaviour is and what rewards you get out of good behaviour i.e. the child’s emotional status would have risen and so they will feel happy and their self-esteem would increase however it will also help the child socially as when the child shares their toys with another child the child will have friends who want to play with them because they share and play
John, a 15 year old male, is an 8th grade student attending a local middle school. John is a transfer student from another state and he been placed into an inclusion classroom because he has been identified as a student with a disability and requires an IEP. Lately, John has been verbally and physically disruptive during math class. Some of the disruptive behaviors John often exhibit in the classroom include making loud noises and jokes during instruction, calling his peers names, physically touching his peers, and grabbing group materials. John’s teacher collected data and learned that his verbal disruptive behavior occurs 4-8 times during each sixty minute class meeting, and his physical group disruptions occur 75% of the time he works with a group. After meeting with John’s other teachers, his math teacher learned that his disruptive behavior is only present during math class. According to John’s math test scores on his IEP, his math instructor also learned that math is a challenging subject for John and he is significantly below grade level. Both John’s math teacher and his IEP team reached an agreement that they would like to decrease the number of times John disrupts instruction and eventually eliminate the disruptive behavior. The replacement behavior for John is to remain focused and on task during math instruction and assigned activities without triggering any disruptions (i.e., distracting loud noises or jokes causing the class to go into a laughing uproar, physical contact with peers, name calling, or grabbing his peers’ materials). Instead of John being punished for his disruptive behavior, the replacement behavior would allow him to remain in math class, and he will also be able to receive posit...
...tes how influential the people in a child’s life are in their education. Insufficient praising will distort a child’s view of learning, and he or she may feel “dumb” whenever answering a question incorrectly. In comparison, proper praising will have children understand that a wrong answer is normal during the process of learning. As a future educator, I will take the information I gained from both Dweck and Bayat and apply it to my classroom. My goal will be to have all students have a general comprehension of hard work, and to praise them when they demonstrate their efforts.
Positive feedback is all about promoting change in the behavior. I was raised within a household that rely on negative feedback and punishment to promote good behavior. Sometimes I did reward my nephews for positive behaviors but it was not done continuously or in a way that would result in positive behavior change. I come to believe that negative reinforcement was the key to ameliorating bad behaviors until I took notice the positive feedback I was given minimizes the bad attitudes and behaviors of the children. They were getting along well and whenever I praise one the others wanted to get that praise also, I believe that motivate them to behave appropriately. For instance, when one did a good deed I would make all the other clap while saying “well done” or something positive. It was a very long process because children do not change their ways from one day to the next, I couldn’t say I was very patience but see them attempt to better themselves, was what motivate
A behavioral intervention plan (BIP) is designed for a specific child to try to help that child learn to change her or his behavior. Once the function of a student 's behavior has been determined, the Individual Education Program (IEP) Team should develop the behavior intervention plan A behavioral intervention plan can be thought of as a plan to support the student in order to help him or her change behavior. Effective support plans consist of multiple interventions or support strategies and are not punishment. Positive behavioral intervention plans increase the acquisition and use of new alternative skills, decrease the problem behavior and facilitate general improvements in the quality of life of the individual, his or her family, and
The goal of using positive reinforcement in this situation would be to encourage the students to behave in a kind and respectful manner in hopes that their disrespectful behavior would decrease. To achieve this goal, I believe it would be best to use positive reinforcement to reward the students whenever they do behave like they should. For example, if I, as the teacher, were asking questions in class, I would compliment the students or even give them a physical reward, such as candy, when they raise their hands in a calm manner to answer questions. Not only would this encourage their participation in class, but it would encourage them to participate in a respectful manner. The use of a reward, physical or otherwise, could also be applied to situations where the students perform any desired behavior such as doing their work quietly. By using positive reinforcement, it makes sense that the more the students are encouraged to act kindly and respectfully, the less often they will act
A Positive Behavior Support System (PBSS) is a school-wide approach to help establish the social culture and behavioral supports that are needed for all of the children in a school to ensure the achievement of both social and academic success. Because school principals play a pivotal role in the success of the school community it is, without a doubt, important that the principal play an important role in developing and implementing a PBSS in their school.
Children thrive on praise. Praise must be specific and sincere to have a positive effect. It's not necessary for parents, teachers, or peers to wait until their children do something exceptional to provide praise. Praising an everyday event like getting ready for school on time is enough. What's important is that people should focus on the positive things their children do instead of on the negatives. Children need to be shown love and affection through both words and physical actions. Parents should tell their children often that they love them and think they're special. Some parents call their children names and/or belittle them when they are angry. Teachers send children to the principal’s office and their friends either fight children or ignore them. Such methods can have a negative effect on children's self-esteem. Not only that but media too can have a negative effect on a children’s self-esteem. Parents better hope that their children are expose to people who will boost his/her self-esteem.
In this paper I will be discussing the information I have learned from the article “From Positive Reinforcement to Positive Behaviors”, by Ellen A. Sigler and Shirley Aamidor. The authors stress the importance of positive reinforcement. The belief is that teachers and adults should be rewarding appropriate behaviors and ignoring the inappropriate ones. The authors’ beliefs are expressed by answering the following questions: Why use positive reinforcement?, Are we judging children’s behaviors?, Why do children behave in a certain way?, Do we teach children what to feel?, Does positive reinforcement really work?, and How does positive reinforcement work?. The following work is a summary of "Positive Reinforcement to Positive Behaviors" with my thoughts and reflection of the work in the end.
I thought it was better to define what behavior therapy is, in order to better understand it. Many publications have their own interpretation but the common theme is, behavior therapy is observing a patients behavior from a therapeutic approach. Behavior therapy has a variety of techniques that include reinforces, conditioning techniques, behavioral modification and systematic desensitization. These techniques are used to change the undesirable behavior.
We as educators and parents want our children to grow up to be the best that they can be. Are we helping them when we tell that they are doing a good job on something or are we hurting them? Some research has shown that praising a child with words like “Good Job” or “Way to Go” is not helping them build their self-esteem or grow as individuals. We need to do more to help them grow as individuals and learners. According to Alfie Kohn (2001) “praise is a verbal reward” (p. 1). He states in his article “Five Reasons to Stop Saying Good Job” that praise is also controlling (Kohn, 2001) Have you ever been at a restaurant or out to local grocery store (or even said to your own kids) and hear if you will be good I will buy you a treat. Controlling? Yes controlling, but in the classroom do we use the same type of praise to get our students to do the same thing?
This is why early childhood teachers need to know and use different strategies that can influence positive prosocial behaviours in children. One strategy that teachers could use I modelling. Modelling is where teachers are able to show children the positive behaviours expected from them. Since children are learning by observing others, modelling is a low interactive strategy for teachers to use (Arthur, Beecher, Death, Dockett and Farmer, 2012). Children are able to learn positive behaviours though watching interactions between teachers and other children. According to Hyson and Taylor (2011), this strategy works, since children are more likely to develop prosocial behaviour through imitation. An example of prosocial behaviour could be when a teacher is consistently generous and caring towards the children. Children are more likely going to copy this behaviour when observing. Another strategy to promote prosocial behaviour which can be used by teachers is through building a secure relationship with children. Since children’s learning and, social and emotional development is strongly influenced by relationships (Ministry of Education, 1996). Teachers can use their secure relationship with children to help influence prosocial skill development by acknowledging children’s behaviour. Though acknowledgment teachers are teachers are able to praise good behaviour (Arthur et al., 2012). This
How to Use Positive Reinforcement to Address Child Behavior Problems - Ways to Effectively Promote Good Behavior By Amy Morin
The reward system is a beneficial behavioral modification teaching method, which promotes more positive behaviors in the classroom (Charles & Barr, 2014). Many teachers generally use the reward method of praise within their classrooms for a variety of reasons. The first advantage of using praise within the classroom is because it encourages students do repeat positive behaviors in the classroom. Many children are simply looking for attention and enjoy it, which makes it a great technique to use in the classroom (Charles & Barr, 2014). Another advantage for this reward type is that due to the encouragement, the students are able to perform at a better rate; students excel academically. A final advantage to using praise is that it is easily implemented into the classroom and requires little to no preparation. This makes the reward method a great addition for teachers as well as students because students get instant feedback without
The relationship between personality and behavior. Does our personality cause the behavior to stay calm or go on a rampage? People all over the world have different types of disorders and a certain disorder is called a personality disorder. Arguments from researchers have been made whether or not with someone who has a personality disorder has anger problems and is a danger to others (Davison, 2012). Behavioral problems come from social-cultural influences such as presence of others, the media and peer influences (Myers, 2014).
What is human motivation? According to authors Kleinginna & Kleinginna, the definition of motivation is “an internal state or condition (sometimes described as a need, desire, or want) that serves to activate or energize behavior and give it direction” (as cited in Huitt, 2011). As teachers, it is important to be aware that motivation to learn is a “source of diversity” in the classroom. This diversity among students in the classroom can range from students who have no motivation to learn (they are forced to be there because that is the “law”) to students who have the “need/desire/want” motivation to learn. According to Pink, there are two types of behaviors in regards to motivation to learning reflected in our classrooms, there are students who display