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An essay about professionalism i
Reflection on professionalism
An essay about professionalism i
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The questionnaire, Professionalism in Physical Therapy: Core Values, evaluates several values such as accountability, altruism, compassion/caring, excellence, integrity, professional duty, and social responsibility. Before taking this questionnaire, I thought of myself as being rated very highly in many of these categories. After careful evaluation, individually and with a partner, I lowered some of the core values rating of myself, while confirming the high rating of myself in other areas. When trying to incorporate core values into one’s life, professional duty and social responsibility must be actively pursued. These values will just not passively find their way into my life. Before doing the questionnaire, I thought that I had at least …show more content…
an above average sense of professional duty and social responsibility, and rated myself relatively high on the questions. However, after analyzing myself critically and discussing the questionnaire with a partner, I realized that I do not strive to grow in professional duty and social responsibility on a consistent basis. Becoming aware of this made me score myself lower on the professional duty and social responsibility core values. Regarding the Affective Domain of Blooms Taxonomy of Learning, I feel that I fall within the “responds to phenomenon” domain for professional duty and social responsibility. While I understand the importance of the need helping the community and my professional duty, I need to apply the use of those values within my life on a frequent basis rather than just passively coming across opportunities. With the application of these values in my life I could progress through Blooms Taxonomy of Learning into higher domains and begin valuing the opportunities, organizing, and internalizing the values. Another interesting value of note, is that the measure of altruism at this stage in my physical therapy education is difficult to measure according to this questionnaire.
When I came across the altruistic core value, I thought to myself that “of course I am an altruistic person and put the needs of other first.” After analyzing the questions on more than a superficial level, it came upon me that I had not really done anything to prove my altruistic believe of myself in a physical therapy setting. Many of the questions within the category have to do with what a currently practicing physical therapist do, so I could only answer the questions in what I aspire to become. While I would like to think, I would put the patient’s needs first in every single situation as a physical therapist, at this stage in my education I can only make assumptions and believes that I will practice altruistically. This lead me to change my score on the altruistic core value of the questionnaire. While applying the Affective Domain of Blooms Taxonomy of Learning to the altruistic value, I had difficult in placing myself in a certain domain, due to the above stated reasons. When I become a practicing physical therapist I would like to fall within the highest level, which is internalizing values. I feel that is important to internalize the value of altruism as a health care practitioner. A healthcare provider need to always be advocating for the patient and have the patient’s interest in front of their own self-interest. In order to enhance my altruistic potential as a future physical therapy, I plan on always keep my own self interests in check and actively pursue opportunities to aid
others. Within the questionnaire, I consistently rated myself highly in accountability. I find myself being able to check my own accountability well on my own without reminders from others, can self-direct my responsibilities, and keep up with my studies without the need for feedback from instructors. Within my group assignments in physical therapy school, I always show up on time and do the work that has been delegated to me. I would feel disappointed in myself if I was not accountable to the group and did my fair share of work. My analysis and discussion with my partner confirmed my belief of accountability within myself. Applying the Affective Domain of Blooms Taxonomy to the core value of accountability in my life, I feel that I am within the internalizing values level. This is because I consistently show a pattern of accountability in my lifestyle, and influence others to be accountable as well. I will maintain this level of accountability by maintaining commitments to others, as well as myself. Assessing core values consistently is an important to do as a health care providers, in order to ensure you apply core values on a frequent basis. The ability to critically evaluate one’s self, discuss your own assessment, and take constructive criticism in an acceptable matter. Before taking the questionnaire, Professionalism in Physical Therapy: Core Values, I thought of myself highly in many of these categories, but critically analyzing brought forth a true understanding of where my core values are actually held in my life.
Now that you have a better understanding about Athletic training, I will explain about physical therapy and why I would like have as a lifetime career. In an article I read, the author Sue Klappa said that, “PT’s reach into our communities through engagement and social responsibility. It compels us to bring hope and love to others. It urges us to learn to see things differently. It holds the promise of defining moments, as we take the time to see things in a new light” (Klappa 2). Klappa is a physical therapist that traveled the world to help others and when she went to different countries. She learned how important physical therapist are in the medical field and how she can get others attention. Starting a career path in physical therapy can
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As an aspiring Occupational Therapist, I feel that it is incredibly important to have a strong set of values. I believe that this is important because, by understanding my own values and beliefs I can most appropriately respect and understand those of the people around me. As an Occupational Therapist, I will need to have a specific understanding of my client’s values and beliefs and well as other professionals. I will need to do that to assure that I am working most effectively with those individuals. The core of all my beliefs have to do with helping people live their lives to the greatest potential possible. I believe that everyone has activities that they find hard to do, and often avoid doing them. As an Occupational Therapist I want to
Professionalism is an adherence to a set of values comprising both a formally agreed-upon code of conduct and the informal expectations of colleagues, clients and society. The key values include acting in a patient's interest, responsiveness to the health needs of society, maintaining the highest standards of excellence in the practice of medicine and in the generation and dissemination of knowledge. In addition to medical knowledge and skills, medical professionals should present psychosocial and humanistic qualities such as caring, empathy, humility and compassion, as well as social responsibility and sensitivity to people's culture and beliefs. All these qualities are expected of members of highly trained professions.
There are several professional values that a nurse must possess altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justices are among these. Altruism is being concerned for the well-being and welfare of others; this includes their patients and colleagues. This is demonstrated daily through understanding cultural differences, considering the perspectives of others and mentoring others
The major areas of my values and ethics can be summarized in six words: excellence, personal integrity, responsibility, ambition, accountability, and determination. Excellence guides me when setting targets in all my undertakings; I normally strive to achieve my best. Personal integrity and accountability enable me to make sound judgments to avoid engaging in actions that will hurt me and/or other people around me. Responsibility is important to me as it enables me to identify the part I need to play in my family, at the workplace, and in the community. Lastly, ambition and determination are applicable in providing me with the momentum needed to ensure that all my initiatives and tasks are done to completion.
Physical therapy is a health care profession, which focuses on enhancing and restoring functional ability and quality of life to those with physical impairments or disabilities. This profession treats people with any kind of functional disabilities and improves their independence in activity of daily living through specially designed muscular skeletal exercises, massages and various types of modalities. One of the ethical dilemmas that has been presenting in not only physical therapy profession, but in other related professions as well, involves the interaction of patient and the therapists. In many instances, nurses, physical therapists or doctors know the conditions of the patients better than the patients themselves. Most of the physical therapists are trained to adhere the principles of beneficence. They are trained to believe that they must do what will benefit the patients' the health most and not harm them physically or psychologically. Sometimes patients may not want to receive or participate in the treatment session for various reasons. However, since most of the physical therapists know what needs to be done to improve patients' condition and desire their patient to recover as soon as possible, they may have to push, in some case, even force their patients to receive treatments.
In current healthcare settings, team work is a vitality that ensures quality care for patients. A team is a group of people comprising two or more individuals who works mutually together towards a shared goal (Ryan, 2017). Teamwork involves collaboration towards common goals between two or more individuals with varied job scopes (Fernandez et al., 2008). Cooperation and acceptance within teams help prevent dangers and promote well-being of patients too (Green et al., 2017). These factors are highly valued, as they promote holistic care rendered to patients. Additionally, professionalism can also be portrayed through abiding the regulatory framework and requirements for healthcare professionals (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, 2017). Professionalism includes self-governing practices in the scope of the profession and in continuing professional development (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, 2017). To advocate for professionalism, the code of conduct was created by Allied Health Professions Council (AHPC). It is a set of conduct and attitude expected of enlisted healthcare professionals to act to the greatest advantage of patients, the general population and moral principles of the standards amongst the various healthcare
Firstly, I will begin by identifying my core values. These values can be put into two separate groups. Firstly, there are instrumental values: courageousness, intellectualism, and helpfulness. When considering the myriad of ideals, many others were eliminated
State how these values were formed, how they influence your character, and how you came to embrace these values. (2 marks)
In conclusion , professional values are important for nurses to practice and maintain. By striving to maintain these values nurses can improve credibility for the profession, give back to the community and improve care and patient outcomes for everyone. Practicing professional values will help push nurses to evolve, as health care and how it is provided changes due to the advancements in science and technology. Organizations will find success and develop a pleasant work environment that employees will be proud to be a part of. Maintaining professional values will allow all nurses to continue practicing for the simple reason of wanting to care for others and give back to those in need.
Values remind me of ethics and morals, necessary in any walk of life and imperative in the work place. These concepts are guidelines in which employees need to follow to be successful. “Values represent basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence.” (Robbins, 136) Integrity, courage, service, wisdom, respect and goal setting are a few of the values that are most crucial to me and what I hope to achieve within any work place setting. Values should be lived every day in the work place and should exemplify the
Compassion from a care giver needs to be felt towards patients to ensure that difference will be made. A positive attitude can be contagious towards other employees or the ones being cared for. When a nurse approaches a patient with an upbeat, but calm and confident vibe, the visitor excepts and trusts the work that must be done to them. One is put at ease when they are in the that type of environment. Altruism is the ability to be selfless and instead have a dedication to the welfare of others. () In the nursing profession, an employee shows care and empathy for clients, but must do the same towards themselves. A nurse must maintain calmness within herself when with a patient in order to fully provide security for their patient. It is important for the nurse to prevent becoming tired or stressed which may hinder them carrying out their duty effectively. In order to receive and hold humanistic-altruistic values, a nurse must extend forward continuous love, kindness and mental awareness at all times. Altruism is essential in unlocking a nurse 's compassion and empathy therefore creating a more positive and healing environment for the patient. () Not only must a nurse show the proper care towards ones clients with an appropriate attitude, but taking care of an employees own self needs and requirements are
My core values have changed over the years and have turned from negative core values into positive ones. Before starting a family, my core values were anger, hopeless, and pain (book 266-267). I felt broken, and my trust in people had diminished. It seemed like a never ending cycle of meeting untrustworthy people who lived to tell lies for their own benefit. I learned to transform my negative values into positive and beneficial core values through the help of counsel...
Understanding who we are as individuals can be a struggle for people throughout life. It can be difficult to comprehend who we are and why we exist. There are daily outside influences that help create who we are and what our values are. Values play a significant role in our lives. They shape the choices we make and reveal a big part of our identity to the world. Some values may be more important than others, but they still manage to influence our lives in one way or another, whether we know it or not. Values can range from a tangible item to an idea that has influenced us to stand by and remember those values. The values we hold with the highest importance act as a guide and help us prioritize our purpose and goals in our daily life. My family has taught me a list of values and traits that have helped me become a well-rounded individual. I value my family more than anything because most of my core inner values have started from their teachings at one point or another. My top values that I have developed from my family are dedication, honesty, and wisdom. I will discuss who I am in terms of the important values that shape my personal belief system and decision making framework that, in essence, describes the direction of my life.