Professional Sports Research Paper

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Millions of young athletes dream of being a star player in the National Football League. Professional football players are seen as freaks on the field, but what people do not understand is that many of them suffer emotionally and mentally just like regular people. We as humans love adrenaline rush and action and sometimes we let that get ahead of ourselves by depending on these players to provide that rush. Fans should stop putting so much pressure on professional football players to reach our unattainable expectations and realize that they too are only humans. NFL players face struggles such as the abuse of drugs and alcohol, the stress of physical expectations, and social media scrutiny.
The football world can be one anxiety-filled and complex system, not only for the fans, but also …show more content…

They must have a strong and athletic physique. The amount of expectation that is put on them is unlike any other job. Football players at the professional level are greatly depended on when Sunday rolls around. They must go as hard as they possibly can and perform at their peak level of athleticism. The overall health and physical well-being is put on the back-burner and the only thing asked of them is to perform well and win games. “Your physical well-being is your ticket in this game and once that is compromised your ability to earn money in this game is severely threatened” (Cameron 5). Physical health should be the top priority because to perform and “wow” the crowd a player has to be physically and mentally ready. One of the toughest things for a player to go through is getting hurt and coming back from it. The fear of getting hurt again or not playing the way people expect them to play is always constant in their mind. There has to be understanding between the coaches and players. They need to feel comfortable expressing their emotions instead of fearing they are weak if they do

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